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    Once I get home I text Lila 'What the hell was that in the office? Why would you kiss me, twice at that and grab my ass?' After sending the text I threw my phone down on the bed. This is so fucked up and I know my relationship or lack of with Lauren is probably over before we even get started good. She probably thought all of that in her office with Lila was real even though it wasn't. I hate to know how it looked to her. Based on her reactions, I know it wasn't good. I just don't know why Lila had to take it as far as she did.

   After about 10 minutes, my phone goes off. I check and see a text from Lila . 'Well you seemed like you were trying to convince that dude that I was your girlfriend. So I decided to make it really believable. Just be glad my actual girlfriend wasn't there. I've already told her about it and she was mad at first but understood I was just helping a friend. She said it better not happen again though. Now you've got to tell me what the hell was going on.'

   After reading Lila's text I wonder if I should tell her the truth but I want to talk to Lauren first. So I text Lila 'Thanks for helping me out but the kisses and grabbing my ass were not necessary. All I had asked you to do was act like my girlfriend, that didn't mean take it that far. I can't say anything right now about what was going on. Hopefully soon I can tell you, just be patient please. I really appreciate your help even though I think you went to far.' Once I send that last text to Lila, I decide to lay down.

   I don't know when I dozed off or how long I have been sleeping but I woke up to the front door slamming. I jump up off the bed because I know it's Lauren. I dread going out there and facing her but I know I have to. I have to clear everything up and possibly convince her that Lila is not really my girlfriend since she seemed like she believed it. I take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. My heart is beating so fast I can feel it in my ears. One last breath and I open the bedroom door to go find Lauren.

   I get to the living room and Lauren is sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. I clear my throat before speaking and her head pops up from her hands. Her eyes are red and so are her cheeks and I can tell she has been crying. I open my mouth to speak but she holds her hand up to stop me.

   Lauren releases a shaky breath and says, "You skipped your last class Kyler. Why?" I move and go sit beside her but she gets up and turns with her back to me. I can't help but glance at her ass especially since it is eye level and directly in my view. I know this is not the time to be checking her out but it's right there.

   I shake my head to clear my thoughts and I sigh. "Lauren, I just couldn't be there anymore today. I had to get out of there. I definitely could not concentrate so there was no way I could sit through my last class."

   Lauren turns around "today was bad, really bad. I was close to losing my job because.... If I would have lost my job, then what Kyler? Would it have mattered to you? Maybe this between us wasn't a good idea. Will it end in the same outcome as it did with Mike?" She starts pacing back and forth and I can tell she is in her head.

   "Oh God, what is wrong with me? I really had to fall for another Adams? Maybe... maybe it's best if we make it through these last few days until graduation. Then maybe it will be best for you to go. Go back to Pensacola or maybe move in with Lila. I'm hoping that was all an act in my office but the two of you looked mighty believable as girlfriends especially with those kisses. Why would you kiss her? Was I game for you? Just a thrill to see if you could sleep with me. Maybe ending this is what's best."

   Lauren turns to walk out of the living room but I quickly get to my feet and gently grab her wrist, stopping her. I pull her to me with a little force and once her body crashes into mine I wrap my arms around her to hold her there. She tries to push me away but I'm too strong for her. With my mouth close to Lauren's ear I say, "I'm not letting you go. I'm not letting you go until you agree to hear me out. I know you're freaking out over what happened today. Please just listen to me first though. Please."

   I hear Lauren sniffle then she says with a shaky breath "okay."

   I release her, grabbing her hand and pull her to the couch to sit. When she sits down, I sit next to her and take both of her hands in mine. "Thank you for agreeing to listen to me. And just know that after I'm done talking to you if you still want to end this then I will leave in the morning and go back to Pensacola. I will repeat my senior year if you want me gone. I honestly don't know if I can make it until graduation if you decide you still want me gone."

   I take in a deep breath and release it. "Okay, first of all, you were never a game for me and it was never a thrill to just sleep with you. Also, I am nothing like Mike. If you think that I am then you don't really know me or actually love me. That really hurt because I despise him for everything he has done to my mom, myself and especially what he has done to you. Now, as far as Lila goes, she is not my girlfriend. She has never been my girlfriend and never will be. I don't like her like that and she doesn't like me like that plus she has a girlfriend. I text her to come to your office and pretend to be my girlfriend. I did not know she was going to grab my butt, kiss me and I definitely did not kiss her back. I literally froze when she kissed me."

   Lauren starts to say something but I shake my head and say "let me finish, please."

   Lauren nods her head then I continue talking. "It was stupid of me to say she was my girlfriend but it was spur of the moment thinking to keep you from getting into trouble. That was the only thing I could think of at the time. I should have knocked on your door before busting in. That was stupid of me and I'm sorry for putting you in that situation."

   I let go of one of Laurens hands so I could grab my phone. Unlocking it, I open the text messages from Lila and hand my phone to Lauren. "Please, read the messages between me and Lila. She played along to make it believable. No, she doesn't know about us but she said that it seemed important for me to be trying to convince Mr. Jones that she was my girlfriend so she went with it."

   I lean in and kiss Lauren softly on the cheek then stand up. "I'm going for a drive to give you time and space. When I get back, I will listen to you if you want to talk. I love you so much Lauren and I hope you know that. I want a relationship with you and I want to be with you more than anything. And if you truly want me gone then I will leave and I promise to not cause you any problems." I grab my keys and wallet then close the door behind me, leaving Lauren with my phone in her hands.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now