17 ~ The Fallen

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The distant chatter from other tributes drowns out. It was now our third and final day of training. I sat, focused on Peeta's hands. Growing up in school, we learned all about trees. Everything from types of bark, uses for different wood, even how to cook with it. My knowledge only grew after I made my first voyage into the forest. I learned to become highly observant of my surroundings. I never knew what could be lurking around me, so I learned to spot them, however, as Peeta moves to the base of the fake tree, I can't even see his arm.

"How did you do that?" I ask, with genuine bewilderment. He had used only a few cans of paint and mud from the training center, and he was able to flawlessly disguise his arm where the bark of the tree met the ground of the small room.

"Well, I used to decorate cakes at the bakery back home," He proudly expressed.

"Well yeah, but how did you do that? It's not like you're making tree bark cakes," I let out, causing a laugh to escape his lips.

"In all honesty, I'm not sure how I figured it out. I'm surprised I was even able to do

It was in the arena last year," he replies. That's right. I almost forgot. Katniss and I had been together for a few days before we found him, and he had been hiding for all that time. His disguise worked well then, but I'm not sure if he'll be so lucky as to have it work again.

"Well you're here now, so I'd say it's a pretty impressive strategy," I say, his lips curving into a small smile before he moved toward the sink and began to wash it off.

"That is true," He lets out as he returns, picking up a paintbrush and handing it to me. "You wanna try?"

I open my mouth to speak but am cut off by Cato and Katniss who had just come back from sparing. "Are you ok?" I ask Cato who is rubbing his arm.

"Fine, someone just punched too hard," He mutters, eyes quickly darting toward Katniss before they turn away a second later.

"Sorry about that," Katniss lets out in a steady voice. Cato just brushes it off, then turns to stare at me.

"What were you guys doing?" he questions in an almost jealous tone.

"Peeta was just showing me some camouflage tips," I reply, turning away from my boyfriend's stare. Even though I knew him and how caring he was to me, his sheer size and intimidating stature still sometimes formed a few goosebumps on my skin.

There is a moment of awkward silence that falls over us for a while till Katniss speaks up. "We were sparing on the mats near the front. We saw the careers," She begins while moving closer to the group, "I couldn't pick up exactly what they were saying, but I think it had something to do with us. They know they are at a disadvantage."

For a moment I am confused about what she means, but I quickly remember what district Cato is from. Of course, they are at a disadvantage. Usually, the careers have a pack of four, two from District 1 and two from District 2, only this year they won't. They know there is no way Cato would join them as long as I wasn't, so what would they do?

"You think they're going to try and find a replacement?" I ask, listing off the tributes that they might have been considering in my head.

"I don't think so," She says.

"Are you sure?" Peeta adds in, "I mean you said it yourself, they know they're at a disadvantage. Getting another person on their side is their only solution."

"Yeah, but for that to happen they need to find someone willing to join them. Most people here won't dare to trust them, let alone join them," She says back, causing Cato to shift uncomfortably, but also bringing up a good point. Who would trust three careers, especially ones who have already got a taste for blood?

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