6 ~ Scripted

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Cold water runs down the tips of my fingers as I steadily cup my hands. A pool begins to form, and as It starts to overflow I bring my face down, gently splashing it on myself. With closed eyes I reach around, grabbing the nearest towel to pat my face dry. My vision clears quickly and I look up to face my reflection. It stares back at me, deep into my eyes, and for some reason, I feel a sense of guilt.

This empty pit in my stomach grows bigger by the second. I was finally seeing hope for my future, but at the same time, I was scared of it. I guess it just feels wrong, to be happy after everything I had done. Did I deserve everything I had? Did I deserve to live?

"Where did you go?" Cato audibly groaned from the other room. My head immediately clears as I peek my head around the corner, leaning on the frame of the door. The bed sheets were ruffled up from the night before and Cato lay on his back, facing the ceiling with his eyes squeezed shut. His hands were placed behind his head. He looked so peaceful. "I'm here," I mumble as my feet drag themselves toward the bed till I'm close enough to collapse on it.

I push myself along the bed till I reach him, gently resting my head on his bare chest. His left arm comes down to tightly secure me, pulling me in closely. "We can't stay like this. We have to get ready," I hum.

He shifts around in place as he turns himself over. His strong arms are still tight around me while he plants gentle kisses along the back of my neck. "Or we could stay here," he mutters.

Believe me, If only he knew how much I wanted to stay there with him. How much I wanted to stay wrapped in his arms for as long as I wanted to, but I couldn't. My whole life was now dedicated to this role that I had to play for the Capitol. I can't get out of it and I can't mess this victory tour up. Otherwise, Snow might actually uphold his promises.

"You know we can't come on. Katniss and Peeta are probably awake already," I say while sitting up, squirming around as I try to pry free from Cato's grasp. He eventually lets go, hands retreating behind his head.

It was now our second day on the tour and we had already given our speech in District 12. It was pretty pointless considering that both their victors were alive and standing on the stage with us. Nobody was paying attention nor did they see the point in it so it was over fairly quickly. While there however we finally met up with Katniss and Peeta.

Our initial greetings were awkward and we hadn't spoken much since the night before, so I was hoping to have a proper conversation with them today. I mean, before yesterday we hadn't spoken since the games. I knew Snow had visited Katniss just as he did me, but what did he say to her? I can only imagine it was somewhat along the lines of what he told me but even then what was she going to do about it? I needed to know what was going on with her, for her sake and possibly for mine.

If Snow wasn't happy with us then it was a team effort. Even if Cato and I could be as convincing and perfect as Snow wanted us to be, Katniss and Peeta would still reflect on us, and vice versa. We both desperately needed this victory tour to go right, and I had to make sure that she knew that.

I shuffle over to my closet, quickly sliding it open and grabbing one of the neatly folded outfits in my drawer. The fact I was half-naked already made things a little quicker. I slipped the oversized tee shirt I wore off my body, tossing it aside, before putting on the white button-down and black pants. After adjusting everything as best as I could I threw a beige shawl.

"I'll go get ready," Cato exhales, kissing me one final time before slipping out through the door and toward his room.

My face relaxes, and I let out an exasperated sigh as I close my eyes. I try to relax my body while thinking of everything that could happen today. The fact that we were only hours away from District 11 made my stomach turn on itself. The feeling of my nerves electrifying my whole body only increased as I neared the door. Calm down. Calm down.

Ignite The Flame Within | Cato Hadley X Male Reader | Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now