2 ~ Hand in Hand

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My mind was barely able to wrap around the fact that I was standing right beside Cato, the both of us holding hands after months of being prohibited from seeing or even talking to one another. I was so ecstatic to see him that I hadn't even realized his face. His lips were tight, his face still, and he didn't look down at me. He was staring ahead of himself, not speaking or making any noise. He didn't look like I did, he didn't look like he wanted to see me.

It was at this moment that my anxiety seemed to seep back into my mind. I worked on it as best as I could over the past few months, but right now, my thoughts consumed me. Was it all an act? Was he faking everything during the games? Did he lose feelings for me while we were separated? It just didn't make any sense to me. I thought he would be just as excited to see me as I was for him. Even the camera girl seemed a little skeptical since she was following close behind, the camera pointed at us, in hopes of some big kiss or grand reaction. But no, nothing, not even a smile.

As we entered through the front door of his house I felt his grip loosen, his hand slowly slipping from mine. I kept a smile plastered on my face for the camera, but behind the mask, I was hurting. After all this time I was finally here, and it wasn't going anything like I had been hoping for.

My eyes drift off to wander around his house. It looked almost identical to mine, the only differences were decoration and a few different colored walls, but other than that it was exactly the same. As I slowly turn my eyes back toward the people now in front of Cato and me, the short man claps, grabbing my attention. He points to the camera and then to Cato. He takes a deep husky breath in before speaking, "Well, Y/n I am so happy to have you here, it's been a while hasn't it?"

His eyes met mine once again, but this time, something seemed wrong. While I couldn't figure out his exact emotions, there was an unmistakable strain in his expression, as though he were suppressing something. His voice, too, was far from its usual self, sounding almost mechanical, like he was reciting from a script.

"I'd like you to meet my family," he said, pausing and extending his arm toward the four individuals facing us. "This is my mother and younger sister, Ezri."

As I gradually turned my gaze to them, Cato's mother had her arms gently draped over Ezri's shoulders, and they both stood with an unusual formality. They were dressed impeccably, sporting straight, dirty blonde hair and sharing a reserved closed-mouth smile.

Cato then motioned toward the other two people. "And this...," he trailed off, moving his arm to indicate the remaining pair, "This is my step-sister, Thesta, and her father, Marlow."

The two bore a striking resemblance to each other, distinct from the first pair. Thesta's tan skin and long, thick, jet-black hair mirrored her father's features. Both offered welcoming smiles, which appeared to disconcert Cato, judging by the tension in his clenched fists by his sides.

"Well hi, my name is Y/n but I'm sure you both know that already. It's lovely to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Hadley." I speak, Cato's mother immediately smiling with an amused look. "Oh please sweetie, call me Lilly. Besides, my last name is not Hadley anymore," She says with a smile while pointing at the silver ring she wore. I presumed she had changed her name after remarrying but that didn't explain why Cato didn't as well. I didn't even know he had a stepfather, and now that I thought about it there were a lot of things that were a mystery about Cato. I barely had time to establish a true connection with Cato. Truth is, we hardly knew a thing about one another.

"Well, I didn't make this feast just to stare at. Come on let's eat," She insisted while leading everyone toward the dining room, which was only a few steps from the front door.

I step forward in front of Cato, walking around the table as my eyes skim across the surface. It was a whole feast, almost like the ones we had back in the capitol. A large roasted pig sat in the middle of the table on top of a silver tray, a rose-red apple in its mouth. Several different colored soups and other sides surrounded it in a beautiful way. I smiled and reached for one of the elegant wooden chairs, before I could though, Cato reached out and yanked it back. "After you," He said through his gritted teeth.

Ignite The Flame Within | Cato Hadley X Male Reader | Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now