7 ~ Stranded Ashore

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If anyone could agree on one weakness people could abide by, it would be loved ones more often than you would think. Even the strongest among us have people we would risk anything for. People we would do anything to protect. And for me, those people were all around me. Johanna, Cato, Ana, my father, Mirren, and Sky, possibly even Katniss and Peeta. They were all people I didn't want to see hurt.

Sometimes I wondered if Snow had anyone he cared about as well. He was a monster, but even monsters at one point had people they cared about. I wonder if he still has people that stand by him, and support him, or if anyone and everyone who has ever been there for him was shut out. His cold and empty heart must have come from somewhere because forcing me to do this on a threat that he would kill everyone I know is beyond messed up. Even for a monster like him.

Katniss and I are still breathing heavily as we try to process everything that has happened. It was all our fault. We had sentenced that man to his death.

My heart races as Haymitch quickly rushes up the dusty wooden stairs that lead toward the attic. The four of us followed close behind along with Johanna who was behind me. As we make it to the top we begin to migrate towards the center of the room, Haymitch whipping his head around. His face had anger written all over it.

"You all have a very simple task," He starts as Katiss's tears begin to fall down her cheeks.

"I never meant for anyone to get killed, he has to know that," she can let out as her voice slowly steadies itself.

"What are you talking about?" Haymitch asks, his tone still harsh. "Who has to know what?"

"Snow, He came to see me." She says. My tears are now beginning to fall.

"Me too. He visited me before the tour," I add.

"He's worried about rebellion in the districts. He thinks they don't believe Peeta and I's love story," she says. My hand slips into Cato's as I continue to shake, I should have told him everything Snow said before. If I did then I might not be in this mess.

"He told me something like that too." I quiver as I turn toward Cato, his eyes staring at the ground. I could tell he was near tears, but he was holding it in. His hand squeezes back as he turns to face me as well. "Last time we saw each other for the Capitol video," I muttered while shifting toward Haymitch, "He wasn't happy with us. He didn't think we played it up enough, and he said Cato wasn't acting like he loved me."

"So he wants you to make them believe," Johanna finally speaks up while moving closer to Haymitch. "To what, calm them down?"

Katniss and I exchange a look before nodding. Peeta's hand moves to his head as his eyebrows draw close together. "One of you should have told me that before I went out there and tried to give these people our money!" He yells.

There is a quick pause, barely one long enough for the echoes of our voices to stop before Cato moves, the floorboards squeaking behind him. He steps away from me, his hand letting go of mine. "How could you not tell us? I mean we spent the whole damn night together, the least you could have told me was that Snow was pissed at us."

"I'm sorry, but he threatened to kill the people I love. Probably Katniss's too," I mutter, the tension in the room escalates by the second.

"What about the people Cato and I have to protect, huh?" Peeta shouts, his arms,moving fast and suddenly out of anger.

I should have told them. It wasn't fair to lie. Especially with something like this. If we were in danger then they were most definitely in danger as well. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have thought that we would be able to make it through this trip?

Ignite The Flame Within | Cato Hadley X Male Reader | Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now