8 ~ Bottoms Up

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The heels of my foot hit the ground and a constant tempo as I walk toward the large, colorfully illuminated building in front of me. My feet had hurt from wearing so many tight, fancy shoes, but I ignored them. No matter how many times I complained, Madelyn told me it was normal to wear tight dress shoes. Or how beauty is pain. Whatever that means.

"The Presidential Palace! The party of the year," Effie says in her usually uptight and prestigious manner as she leads the four of us, along with Madelyn, toward the large building ahead of us.

Our tours were now technically over, and like every other victory tour I've seen or heard of, they always ended in a big party at the President's mansion.

It was a sight to see. The large stone building was illuminated by many projectors as it flashed through at least a dozen different patterns and gradients. It was almost like one big moving art piece. Along with the large building, there were most definitely enough people to fill it. We were only seeing it from the outside, but even off that I could tell the inside would be a pact full.

"Eyes bright, chins up, and smiles on," Effie adds while grabbing Madelyn's hand. The two were gleaming with grins of excitement, most likely because they hadn't been to one in a while. If any at all. The escorts only get to attend these if their victor wins, so usually it's the ones that belong to Districts 1 and 2. "I'm talking to you Katniss," Effie says, pausing a second before pointing back to Cato, "And you too. Act like you are actually enjoying yourself for the cameras."

"There will be interviews," Madelyn informs as we near the base of the steep stone stairs leading up to the building. "Everyone will be here to celebrate you. Our victors'"

I open my mouth to say something but Effie interrupts, "Breath it all in children. This is all for you!"

"It's cozy," Peeta mumbles sarcastically, causing both women to snap their heads back.

"Attitude!" They shout in unison before calming themselves and waving us to follow. 'Come, Come."

We quickly ascended the stairs, immediately being met by a massive crowd of people, all dressed in weird and colorful clothes like every person seemed to do in the Capitol. Effie and Madelyn take their steps forward, arms linked together as they clear a path through the sea of people. The four of us follow behind in a single file line with Katniss and me at the front.

I throw a smile on and nod my head to each person whose gaze I catch, occasionally mouthing a quick "Hi." Everyone around us was clapping loudly. Madelyn constantly turns back to make sure I'm still following as I take in everything around us. There were things I had never seen before, things I hadn't even thought to be possible. Two men stood on large pedestals above us on either side. They held a stick as they blew large orange flames out of the tip. I had to admit it was pretty impressive.

The clapping continued until we walked through the large opened doors of the palace. Effie and Madelyn quickly turned to walk into what looked like a library. The floor changed from a cold white tile to a wooden floor with carpet running over the center. The walls and bookshelves were dark oak, pristinely shaven down and shaped. No one in the Capital had the talent to make that. I had no doubt it was from District 7.

It angered me to think about how much hard work had probably gone into it, and how the people who made it were probably paid nearly nothing. Everything here angered me no matter how many times I was told to enjoy it. I had no idea if it was because I didn't think I deserved it, or if I didn't think anyone else here deserved it. There was simply just a pit in my stomach that wanted to explode. I wanted to say something to these people and tell them about what was happening in the real world, but thankfully I had enough restraint to say nothing.

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