11 ~ Déjà Vu

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A glum darkness had fallen over the place I called home. The streets were empty, windows closed, doors shut, and the sound of silence took over—just like last year and the year before that. For seventy-four years kids have dreaded the reaping day, and after winning I thought I would never have to worry about it again. That sadly wasn't the case, because on this day, the reaping of the 75th Hunger Games, my name would be in that bowl again.

I would be sent back to the place where I lost myself, where I became the monster I feared I would be in the games. I would have to fight again every day to make sure I survived and I would have to kill to ensure that.

My life was in pieces after the games, I tried so hard to rebuild myself, and my life. I tried to look for the little things or moments where I could be happy. Where I could sit there and think about how I'd be fine if this was how I spent the rest of my days, but now I felt all of it fall apart again. Not only would I be in that arena with Johanna, but I would also be there with Katniss since both of them were the only female victors of their districts. What would I do then? Would I have it in me to kill both of them?

Tears began to collect in my eyes but I didn't dare let them fall. I wasn't going to show my weakness, I had to be strong. My sleeve lifts to my eye as I quickly swipe it over, the water disappearing. Johanna walked by my side with her eyes fixed ahead of us. She hasn't spoken a word since she walked out of her house. Neither did my father or Ana who followed behind us.

I feel eyes turn to us as we enter the town square. Everyone was dressed up like they usually were for the reapings, only they didn't wear the usual expressions of despair or fear. They watched us with a look of admiration.

We were taking the place of two kids who could have been sent into that arena. To them, it was a day to celebrate. To us, it was the day our lives would never be the same.

The four of us turned after passing the large crooked cabin we called a bakery. The path we walked cleared out. Two ropes on either side of us marking the line where the crowd started and where it stopped. As I look up I feel my heart beating heavily. The same stone stage I stood upon the year prior was all cleaned up for the big day. Madelyn was already standing up there. Her hair was now a sparkly silver topped off with a gold crown. Her whole outfit was gold and even though we were far, I could see her face as well. She watched me with a sadness I had never seen before.

Suppose I felt like it wasn't real. It felt like I would wake up at any moment and it would just be some twisted nightmare, but I didn't. I was going back.

My legs feel heavy as I near the steps to the stone stage. I wanted to turn and run, but I pushed through instead. Once I reach the top I am quickly pointed toward the left side of the stage by a peacekeeper. Johanna was sent to the opposite. The only thing between us was the large wooden doors of the building.

"Welcome," Madelyn says with a shaky voice, "We are here today to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary and third quarter quell of the Hunger Games. As always, Ladies first."

Madelyn turns to the glass bowl to her right, slowly walking forward. Johanna stared in front of her, her face still expressionless, but for a moment I swear I caught a tear falling from her eye. Madelyn reaches in and grabs the only paper there, shuffling back over to the microphone before opening it and reading the name. "Johanna Mason."

Her name echoes through the silence as she takes a step forward. Madelyn reaches out for her shoulder but Johanna hits her hand away.

With a defeated sigh Madelyn then turns to me. "And now for the boys," she shouts. I held my breath in and closed my eyes. I feel my nerves eat at me and suddenly I feel my body shake as the doors slam open.

Ignite The Flame Within | Cato Hadley X Male Reader | Vol. 2On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara