13 ~ The Competition

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Our chariot came to a slow synchronized stop with the other one ahead of us. The massive doors that were a few chariots behind us were shutting as Katniss and Peeta made their way inside. Flocks of stylists, mentors, and horse trainers began to trickle out from the doors to our right, each pair of tributes breaking the crowd up, their groups now surrounding them. As I turned I realized that our wings were gone. They must have disintegrated or something.

Serenity runs to wrap me in her arms the second my foot hits the floor. "You both looked beautiful!" She yells. I slide my arms around her neck and hug her back.

"Thank you," I whisper.

Her smile falls a bit gentler as her face relaxes, and she gives a small nod. Johanna steps from behind me, attempting to escape any interactions with anyone for the rest of the night by booking it to the elevator, but Serenity catches her. She tightly hugged Johanna, and even though she was acting like she just wanted to leave, I knew deep down she appreciated it.

"Come along, we have much to discuss," Madelyn says in her usually cheery tone as she turns to lead us to the elevators. Serenity's arm remains over Johanna's shoulder as the two follow with Ondine trailing close behind them. My legs move forward to go along with them when I am frozen by the sound of someone's voice.

"Y/n!" Cato yells from behind me. I feel my head quickly snap around as his tall menacing figure comes into view. He was walking quickly, every few seconds skipping up like he was about to break into a run, but he never quite did. He just sped walk through the crowd, he didn't even have to maneuver around them because nobody dared to stand in his way. They moved themselves quickly, even some of the other victors looked scared of him. I guess that's just the power a career has.

I feel my mouth curve into a huge smile as he squats down to wrap his arms around my waist and lift me. He spins me around in a circle before letting me slip down to the ground, laying a kiss on my lips. "My idiot stylist wouldn't let me come to see you before." He says.

"Well you are here now, that's all that matters," I reply. I look him up and down as I rub the skin of his arms. He was in a suit of armor that almost looked like the one from last year, only this time it was silver and with a couple of different patterns. "Your face," I say as I reach up to touch his chin, the stubble that was once there now long gone, "It's so smooth."

"Yea, they waxed me clean, and it looks like they waxed you too," He says while his hands felt around my body.

"And it hurts like hell," I say, pausing for a moment before pulling him down to kiss me once again. His smile grew as he deepened it.

We were so caught up in the moment that I forgot where we were. Serenity made a noise like she was clearing her throat causing the two of us to break apart. Cato glared at her with a hint of bitterness due to her interrupting the moment while all I could do was nothing but feel my face heat up.

"I believe someone is calling you," Madelyn pipes up from behind Serenity.

We all quickly turned to look in the same direction Cato had come, this time it was his stylist. The one from the tour and the one I was pretty sure hated me. "Cato! You mustn't dilly-dally. We have important business to discuss, we have to get back to our room," He hissed.

"Dilly dally?" I mutter while turning to Cato.

Cato shakes his head, letting out a frustrated sigh. "No, can't you keep off my ass for a few seconds?" he shouts back, the man shaking a bit.

"I will get peacekeepers involved if you don't listen. Now come on Cato! Enobaria is waiting for you," He says while holding his hand out behind him, pointing Cato in the direction he needs to go.

Ignite The Flame Within | Cato Hadley X Male Reader | Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now