Chapter 13

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I make my way downstairs, a small pocket knife under my dress. You never know, after all.

Amun follows behind me and right behind the corner. The guard, armored in Frost steal tries unlocking the lock on Prince Volorius' door. "You familiar with fighting?"I ask, and Amun nods his head.

I take the small blade in my hands. The reason I didn't put guards by the door was because I had a feeling this might happen. It would be very suspicious if guards were guarding a regular door, so I hoped they wouldn't find their prince as easily. Yet they did... maybe there is something I missed...

I take the blade in my hand, but Amun takes it gently from me. I look at him in confusement. "If they found out a queen is threatening a guard with a blade, they will have no doubt to come after you. Plus, the Council can't protect you in an eventual trial, " he explains once he sees my confused look.

That makes sense...

"But that would mean if they found you're taking the blame, I can't let you do that," I protest. "I'm a slave. Taking blames is all I've ever done."
Before I can reply, Amun charges at the guard, pushing the blade against his throat. His eyes stare at him with annoyance and anger. The guard seems to be taken by surprise and starts to tremble a bit as he feels the blade making small cuts by the slightest movements.
I come forward, just silently looking at him.

He is definitely afraid of death...

It makes only my job easier. "It's not nice to be sneaking around in someone else's home," I tell him and glare at him. At first, he doesn't say anything, but then he opens his mouth.

"Please don't hurt me," he begs. The classical one. I look at Amun, who just stands there, with the knife to the guards throat.

Suddenly, the prisinor's door 'thuds' as if a loud force pulled on it. In one quick move, Amun slits the throat of the guard. Blood rushes down his neck before his body falls on the ground.

I open the door of prince Volorius door. But he's nowhere to be seen. Amun grip on the bloody knife tightens. Amun steps in first before I follow him.

"Prince Volorius?" I ask. I put on a straight and stern position. However I remember the first time I spoke to him. I look up, but this time he isn't hiding above me to attack me. "He escaped..." says Amun shortly. "Probably another guard got him out."

Suddenly, I feel something cold against the back of my head. My body freezes to the ground and I can't seem to move any longer.

"Drop the knife."

Amun turns around, I can't see the person behind me but I can see Amun's. A mix of anger and shock filled his face.

I silently curse in my head. I can't see the person so I can't really kill him either. I would say it's Volorius but he isn't. The person behind had a higher tone, and not an accent of Frostholm. This isn't the prince.

Amun drops the knife, clearly not willing to. The metal clings onto the ground. Eventually falling in silent. I want turn my head to see who it is, but the knife only gets pushed down harder against my skin. It stings.
"Don't you dare", he says to me.

He knows about my power too... that's sucks...

The man behind me grabs my arm and we back off. I feel powerless. He could kill me at any moment.

He takes me to a room. The walls quite old and dirty. The room is barely used. Most of these kind of rooms are just for show to see how big the temple is or to put prisinors in who have no use living to the kingdom, to let them die in times of war. Walls so thick no can hear them beg or scream.

I glance next to me, trying to look at my kidnapper at the corner of my eye. But, he's very observant and pushes the knife again, threatening a bit in my skin.

Before I can open my mouth, the door opens again. Of course to see no other then the king of Frostholms himself. "Hello, little girl. Let's finish what we started, shall we?", he says with a vicious grin. He grips at his sword that's attached to his leather belt.

I can't help but sweat, I hear my own heart beating loudly in my ears. No matter how much life threatening situations I have been, it's stays terrifying. The unwanted thought that this is my last moment, comes up. But not for long, once I collect myself and my thoughts.

I can just kill him. Right here and

right now and no one would even know...

My eyes narrow, and I look at him straight in the face. But just as I want to stop his heart beat, he chuckles. And pushes a young boy in front of me, holding a knife above him.


"If you kill me, the knife drops and I highly doubt he can get away in time." I stop immediately, the energy rushing through me suddenly disappears.

Kemet struggles but doesn't yell. As if knowing he would be killed once he does.

He got me, I'm completely stuck. There is no way I would risk my little nephew.

Perhaps it is the end for me...

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