Chapter 3

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My eyes flutter open, and the first sunbeams are already coming through my room. I feel the warmth of another body next to me. I look beside me to see Khaled. The blond is very attractive. He crawled up on the bed but still respected my decision from last night and didn't touch me in any way.

I silently get up and take a short dress. Even when it's morning, it's hot as the devils may allow it.

I walk out of the room. There aren't many people here. The most probably are sleeping, so is my sister. I walk down the long corridor, greeted by the warm air from outside. I walk just around the cornor and bumb against a man. Unlike the others, he hasn't the slightly darker skin like the people from Solara, which tells me he isn't from here. "Sorry," I say politely. The brunette smiles at me and gives me a short bow. "You're... the queen's sister?"he asks. "Yes, and you are?"
"I'm her majesties advisor," he replies. His twinkling brown eyes look at me as he smiles. "May I escord you to your... guard?"

He must be talking about Valarian.

"Yes, thank you. I would appreciate it." I take his arm, and we walk to the throne room. "Forgive me, my lady, for being curious. Does her sister have a magical gift?" He asks. "Gift..." I repeat. "I'm afraid so," I sigh. "Aren't you pleased, my lady?" Asks the handsome advisor. I don't look him in the eyes. "You think deciding over life and death is a gift?" "It depends how you look at it," he replies.

We are in the throne room where I spot Valarian. I unlock my arm from his and walk to my loyal guard. Valarian doesn't say a word but hands me a paper.

I look at the written words:



Leave behind

I let the paper slip from my hands. I know the steps all too well. "I leave you be," says the advisor and walks away, leaving Valarian and me alone. Lysander also walks into the room but stops five feet next to me, ready for any requests.
"It seems like our assassin is using my words..."I tell him. "What do you want to do with it?"asks Valarian. "Take it to my room. Tell no one about this before we have more evidence, "I say. Valarian nods, takes the paper, and leaves. I watch Lysander, looking at the ground in a straight posture. He always looks away from my gaze, and today, I'm not really having it.
"Look at me." The boy looks up from the ground meeting my gaze.

I smile softly and give him a sign to follow. "Do you like the warmth?" I ask. "E-excuse me?" He speaks softly. "Do you like the warmth, Lysander?"I repeat. "Frankly, my queen. I'm not very fond of the sun, "he replies. "Hm..."
I glance at the soft burned spot from yesterday, I was barely 15 minutes in the sun. It's surprising that I burn so fast even with my s/c [=skin colored] skin.
"Me neither," I say. Suddenly, I spot the advisor talking to my sister. I stop walking, and Lysander bumps into my back. His hands search for support and land on my hips for a brieve moment before he pulls away. "I'm so sorry!" He says, his voice shaking. "It's okay. Don't sound so scared I'm not going to kill you for it, "I say without giving him a single glance. He seems to relax before hiding the blush on his cheeks.

"I-" "Shh"
I hold a finger on my lips. I try to eavesdrop as much on the conversation I can.

"It wasn't a good idea to invite your sister to the capital. She could be the center of our problems." I hear the advisor say.
"Don't worry, if my sister wanted to kill me, she did it years ago. Now stop complaining. [Name] is a softie. She wouldn't kill anyone unless she had to. I trust her."

I can't help but smile at my sister's reaction. Elysia was always this way. That's why even with her lust and pride, I'd never doubted her.

Elysia flips her hair out of the way and leaves the advisor in the room. He sees me but doesn't say anything. He didn't have the right to after insulting me.

I have decided to ignore him and walk past. "I'm sorry," I hear him say, but the door already closes.

"Elysia, we need to talk," I say. My sister looks up and smiles. "Sure. But first..." she opens her arms and lays her hands on my shoulders. "And?" "And what?" "How did your night go?"

Of course she would ask me. She thinks I got fucked last night. "They're nice, I guess. But it's too early, " I say. "[Name], please don't tell me you rejected them? Such handsome young men, and I heard that they are good in bed." "Well I-"

A sudden gunshot can be heard. A piece of metal flies right beside me, not hitting my head. Everything is going slow yet so fast at the same time. When the sound is gone, my sister's face shows horror and confusion. I freeze and look down. My sisters dress slowly becomes red. I can't think I can't do anything, I don't even breathe. Elysia falls down on the ground with a loud 'thud'. Lying soon in a puddle of her own blood.

"Elysia!" I yell, and I can move again. My knees collapse on the ground as I hold my dying sister in my arms. "No no no no no no!" I push my hand on her wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "S-stay with me! Stay with me!" Elysia's breathing quickens very fast, trying to give her heart to oxygen it needs.

A tear rolls down on my cheek. I hug her body close to mine. My eyes wet till a point I can't see anything. My surroundings and the sounds fade away till it's just me and her.

Elysia tills her shaking arm to my neck. "Y-you ca-an have my h-harem", her voice is faint. "I don't care about your harem! I need you", I yell but she is already gone. Her eyes staring into the depths of dead, her heart stops beating.

Two hands grab my arm and pull me away from her corpse. "Let go of me!" I demand. "As the new queen of Solara you are escorted away for safety", replies a unknown voice. I don't bother looking at anyone including the one who drags me away.

The only thing I look at is my sister's corpse as I'm dragged away...

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