Chapter 9

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Black flags wave through the wind, I stare at my sister's dead body. She wears a beautiful, gold colored gown, her body covered in juwels and flowers. Also her her wound from the bullet is covered up. It will be the last time I see her again, or her body that is...

Kemet stays close by my side, holding my hand. We wear both black, everyone here is. There are many people here, some of her harem others are just business.

"Are you going to kill him, auntie [name]?" Kemet's voice snaps me out of my grief as I look at him. "Kill who?" "The one who killed mama", he says. I'm quiet for a while before I nod my head. "I'm going to kill him..."

After the funeral is done, I look from the balcony to the village. I somehow have the urge to go there, but it won't be safe. First, my parents were targeted, now my sister. I will be next, but they messed with the wrong queen.

I feel a sudden hand on my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I see it's Lysander, his eyes show concern. "Are you okay, my queen?" He asks. "I don't know," I say, I can't smile back. My lips won't allow me. "Now I'm in your harem... May I touch you?"asks Lysander suddenly. My eyes widen at his sentence. "W-what?"
"Touch you. Can I hug you?"

Now I understand what he means. I feel relieved yet also a bit disappointed. "Yes." Lysander embraces me. He feels stronger than I imagined. He puts his chin on my head as he pulls me close to his bare chest. A small blush forms my cheeks, and I smile a little. The comfort feels good.

As he pulls away, he plants a small kiss on my forehead. "Should I send someone?" He asks. "Send Raheem," I say. "I need to talk to him." I see a glint of jealousy in Lysanders eyes, but he hides it and smiles. "Of course." He walks out the door, leaving me completely alone. I go sit on my bed and take a deep breath. It's so quiet...

"You asked for me?" Raheem comes in and closes the door behind him. I stand up and walk up to him. "Something tells me you know a lot about the village." Raheems smile changes to a surprised one. "Where are you born, Raheem?"
The handsome male stutters a bit till he manages to speak out a place. "H-here in Solara," he says. "So, you could be a good guide?"
"I guess..." I see in his expression he doesn't sound very excited about it. "Something wrong?"
"There is nothing wrong, my queen. It's just... Solara is not my favorite place."
"So you hoped if you're in my harem, you could escape this place and go back to my country?"
Raheem looks startled at first. He opens his mouth and decides not to lie. "Yes, my queen."
I walk up to him with a smile. "I appreciate your honesty. If I could get you out of here without being in my harem, would you take my offer?", I ask with a serious expression. Raheem doesn't say immediately yes and just stays silent. "I..." he stops speaking again, like he's thinking. "I- l don't know. I..."
I look to him confused. "What makes you hesitate?"
Raheem's eyes meet mine, I could get lost in them forever. He is handsome and kind. He could be a perfect husband for any girl. "I don't know..." he replies again. "There is something... somoene that makes me hesitate", he tells me. A blush comes upon his face. "Who?" I ask out of curiosity.
Raheem stays silent for a while before he comes up to me and lying his head on my shoulder. His warm breath gives me a shiver down my spine. "Y-you..."he whispers silently, just barely enough to hear it. "I can't describe it, Your Highness. You're not like Elysia... n-no offense!"
"No offense taken," I say calmly. But inside, I feel like exploding, I would think this is a lie, to charm me or something, but I feel honest. Or is it just my thoughts playing tricks on me?

"You're just different, majesty. Better I can not describe it." I feel myself warm up at his soft voice. "That's... very sweet...", my voice somes out less confident.

His head turns the other way, his lips brush against my choulder. He then stands straight again and carreses my cheek. "I wouldn't take the offer, my queen. I'm happy as it is now." With that, he returns to the door, leaving me speechless. "Raheem, wait!"It came out of my mouth before I could even think about it.

Raheem stops and turns to me. "Please don't leave."

"Valarian, please don't leave!"I said, my eyes watering as I looked before him, locked up in my room. He was the only friend I had, or at least... the closest thing I had as one. "Don't leave..." I sobbed as I gripped Valarian's hand tightly. He looked at me, not knowing what to do. "I've been alone for so long. Don't leave me now!"My hands trembled as I took everything in my power to let him stay. Missing the human contact I didn't have for so long. "I'm sorry, [name]. I'm not allowed to." With that, he left me alone once again...

Raheem brushes my tears away with his thumb. I didn't even realize I was crying. "It's okay, my queen." "Don't call me that." It feels like I lost control of my formal self. But why did I always have to be professional? I hate it. All my life, I needed to stand straight and keep my emotions away from people. What if I wanted to show them? What if I don't want to be polite?

I look up at Raheem who looks surprised at my sentence. "Call me [name]..."

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