Chapter 4

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I lie down on my bed. My eyes hurt from the tears I spilled. I don't know how long I've been here, crying and waiting for any news. Somoene knocks on my door. "Who is it?"I yell softly. "It's Amun, your majesty," I hear the voice say from the other side of the door. "Please go away," I yell again. The door softly opens, but luckily, I lie with my back to the door so he can't see my crying face.

It's silent, Amun closes the door. "I know how you feel," he says with a soft tone. "I doubt that," I reply. My voice breaks, giving away I'm crying. "Please go away, Amun. I don't want you to see me like this."
Instead of going away, his footsteps are coming closer. "Then I won't look," he answers me.  Suddenly, he lies next to me. He wraps my arm around my waist and pulls me against his bare, muscled chest.

Is he spooning me?

I flinch first at his touch but relax when I know his hands stay where it is. His face rests in my neck, while his arms hold me tighter. It's comforting. I glance at his arm around my waist. There are scars from the whiping. If someone knows loss, then it must be him.
However, I know for sure that he hasn't lived the hell I had to live...

The door opens, interrupting my thoughts. "My queen..." I recognize Lysanders voice. "I'm sorry, is this a wrong moment?"he says when he sees me with Amun. "No! Not at all. I wipe the tears away and release myself from Amun grip. Who softly glares at the servant.

"The advisor wants to speak with you about the future of Solara," he continues. "Alright, I'm coming," I tell him. Lysander nods as he waits for me. "Thanks for the comfort, Amun," I say and give him a sad smile.

I follow Lysander in the corridor. I watch my servant, he seems troubled, like he wants to ask something. "Are you okay? You look like you want to say somthing", I say. "If I may, I do have a question," he speaks softly. "You may," I smile. "If you have a harem of men, will you add me to it?" He asks. I'm quite surprised by his question. "U-uhm... Is that a request or a question?" Imagening Lysander in my harem, I can't help but blush. Lysander is an attractive and handsome male, not going to lie...
"I don't know yet," he answers. "But will you?"
"I don't know... only if you want to, I guess? I don't want to force anyone."
I notice Lysander smile, pleased by my answer.

Does he want to be in my harem? If I decide to have one, that is.

Lysander stops before the door. I open it and walk inside. I see the advisor, sitting by the table with some food on the table. I sit opposite him. "You wanted to discuss some things with me?" I say. "Yes," the attractive brunette replies. "It seems like your sister left everything to you: her lands, her people, and harem of men and all of her power. She even signed that you wouldn't have a council, "he explains.
"What about my own kingdom?", I ask. "I can't leave my people."

"Well..." he leans forward. "There are a few options. You could reunite the lands, or if there are too many people to handle, you could also marry someone now who can rule Solara."
"Like who?"I ask. The advisor says nothing, but his hands make a gesture that hints to himself. "Tell me, sisters advisor. What makes you think you will be a good king for the people?"

"I am a great fighter, I know many strategies to defend the kingdom. I know what the people want, and I won't have troubles with the other kingdoms because I'm a male, "he says.

A male?

I'm quite irritated by reasons, angry even. "Good job. If you are so confident you are a great fighter and so good in strategy, it means you already have pride, which can likely start a war. You already lost half your country, you already discriminate half of your people of gender and you just lost my respect because of it. I just reunite my two countries, alone."
I give him a fake smile and walk away. Closing the door behind me.

He just insulted me, honestly.

I walk angry through the corridors. Looking at my dress. I may be a soft queen, but I am determined!

Suddenly, I bump into someone. It's Khaled. He grins at me. "Sorry," I say quietly. His hand grabs my chin. "You look angry, your majesty. I can handle it if you want, "he says in a seductive tone. Heat spreads my cheeks. "Thanks for the offer, Khaled. But right now, I'm too sad and angry to think about bedding, "I tell him. "Why would you volunteer anyway? So desperate for touch?" I ask.
"No, not really."
After the silence, he realized he wasn't going to say anything. "So why?"
Khaled takes a deep breath, his body seems to relax, and the flirty aura becomes serious.
"I had a poor family, we lived by the countryside between Solara and yours. When I was a few years younger, there would come a traveler, he brought letters from your sister to you. He sometimes came by to pay for food and such while he told me stories. One was of you, my queen. How you conquered the land gave the people hope, and you freed them from its previous ruler. It may not seem much, but for a kid who has had nothing and had to help pay taxes from our cruel king, it looked like you were a hero."

I stare at him. "I honestly thought it would be like: 'maybe if I steal your heart I become king' or 'I want to have power' that kind thing. This is... just mind-blowing, "I say. "Well, I did study politics, history, and the art of seduction," the smirk reappears on his face.
He lies his hand on my shoulder, his touch is gently. "I-" "My queen!" Valarian jogs over to me and pulls Kaheds hand of my shoulder, making him glare at him.

"We found the assassin..."

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