Chapter 1

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I look over the landscape.

Trees, green grass, rain now and then. Way differently than the land of my sister. My sister rules over a dessert. She has a large castle and many men to entertain her, but she isn't married yet but already has a son.

I visit her once a year. Mostly so she can give me a list of names for me to kill. I only kill when betrayel is involved. Otherwise, I don't. I don't enjoy killing people. Never did, never will.

First, it was a curse. I used to think, why the hell do I need that? But eventually, it came in handy. Women can be rulers but are not accepted easily. I just killed the king and descendants of the rival kingdom and took their place. And I had a kingdom of my own, and because I'm the youngest, I didn't get any land, so here I am.

Suddenly, the door opens, and I see Valarian walking in. He is a tall and formidable warrior with a chiseled jawline and piercing eyes. He is known for wielding his legendary sword and is fiercely loyal to his charge, he always is there to protect me like a bodyguard. It's one thing - I mean person I got from our parents.

"Valarian, just in time," I say. I turn around in my black dress as I watch him. "Any news?" "A letter from your sister, my queen", he bows as he hands me a letter. I take the letter from him and open it.

Dear sister

I know my invitation comes sudden, but I really need some people dead. It's very important and just a matter of time. Not only that, but it seems long ago till I last saw you, and my son, Kemet, misses you. Don't worry, you will be greatly rewarded. I will send two men who will help you get to to desert what I call my kingdom.

Elysia [last name]

"When will those men show up?" I ask, taking a sip from my glass. "There already here, your majesty." I almost spit out the water but hold myself in and quickly swallow.

"Lyasander!" My blond servant walks in. "We need to pack now. We're going to Solara." "Yes my queen," he replies and starts packing right away. "Your majesty, perhaps you should  change. Wearing black attracks the sun, "says Valarian with a worried expression. "Yes, perhaps I should... but first, the packing, "I say. I help Lysander help with my clothes. "My queen, you really don't need to help," he quietly says. "If I want to help you, I will," I say sternly. Lysander looks away, but I notice the weak smile he's trying to hide.

We are finally done packing, and Lysander helps with the loading of the suitcases. "Are you going to take him with you?" Valarian asks ad he looks outside at the humble servant. "Why shouldn't I?" "No reason, my queen. It's just that I do not trust him completely, "he replies. I just glance shortly at him before I demand him: "Turn around." Valarian does what I say, and I begin to undress myself to wear something else. Valarian waits patiently. "Don't forget to wear something lighter. Solara is hot. You need to be on guard, always, "I say. "Of course, your highness," he says.

We walk into the carriage. I go together with Lysander and Valarian. They sit next to each other uncomfortably, yet they don't say a word to each other.


I can see the first signs of Solara. There is an endless expansion of golden dunes, and my sister's castle, known as Sunspire Citadel, rises majesticly from the desert. We come by the small city where vibrant markets are held. I remember that when my sister conquered this land, I always sneaked out to look for the shops with their beautiful jewelry.

We get out of the carriage. There are stairs to go to Elysia's throne room. We walk up the stairs, the sun is already shining on my skin. I can already feel myself burn a little on a small spot. I cover it with my hand so it can't burn furthur.

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