Chapter 11

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"They're here!", a girl screams. She runs to her mother who is doing her laundry outside the house. "The king is here! Why is he here, mama?"
"The king?", I whisper silently. I turn around in the direction of the temple and I see from afar indeed a carriage with a whole parade going through the gates of Solara.

"That's too bad, I would have loved to see more", I sigh. Valarian stands next to me. "Your majesty, I think it's best to go back and greet your... guest", says Valarian. I agree with him by nodding my head as we turn back to the palace.


I put on my black dress but I can't pull the zipper. Lysander walks into the room. "Can you help me out?", I ask. Lysander nods, and closes the zipper of the dress on my back. His soft fingertips slightly brushing over my skin. "All done, your highness" he says. "Would you like to get the prisinor?"
"Not yet..." I sigh. I turn around to face Lysander, who kindly smiles at me. "However, I do need Valarian." Lysander smiles fades away but quickly replaces with another one. "Of course, Aric is going to escort you." Lysander bows slightly and leaves.

I also go out of my room to see the ex-advisor leaning against the wall, waiting for me. "Ever had things like this?", I ask out of curiosity. "With your sister, no. With other kingdoms, I do", he replies politely. "And what did the other kingdoms do?"
"Nothing much, parties. Receiving their guest, if it's their enemy they just chop their heads off."

My expression drops. Of course they do...
Unfortunately all rulers of the kingdoms are cruel. "Your Highness" Aric offers his arm and I take it. Normally I wouldn't but I can't deny I'm nervous. My hearts beating out of my chest, my whole body tenses up. The man who will stand before is the one who commanded to have my sister killed.
Alric, on the other hand seems calm. He's serious but calm. As we come by the large doors, I take a deep breath and release myself. "You're going to be fine. Remember, you can just kill them. All you need to do is close your eyes." Alric smiles sympatheticly.

The doors open and I walk through. I already see Volorius' older brother glaring at me. His chest forward, his posture straight. He has a small beard growing under his chin. His eyes pierce through mine but neither of us look away. His men stand behind him, completely armed and in armor. I would think they can pass out any second because of the warmth. The only one who is not armed is a young man, standing more to the side to stand out of sight. He has purpe-blue hair, a slim body and wears the clothes of a prince. He smiles kindly at me. I get deja-vu when I see him but don't speak up.

I wait for the king to speak, my heart is still racing but I keep the serious look on my face. "Black...", he says with a mean grin on his face. "An interesting choice of clothing, your majesty. Already mouring over your own death?"
"I'm not the one dying today" I say. The king smile fades away. "Was that a threat?" He says calmly as he looks at me viciously. "I wasn't referring to you, your highness."
"Of course not. Otherwise we would have a problem"  he replies.
"On what do I owe you this visit?", I ask changing the subject.

"You got something that's mine", he claims. "Ah yes..." A faint smile comes upon my face. "Are you here for your brother?"
"My brother..." he repeats laughing. "He isn't my brother. He's my assasin I dearly need back. You're not the only one to be eliminated."

The nerve of this guy...

But worse, he refuses to see him as his brother. All just because of the color of his eyes... how awful.

"What do you give me in return?", I ask. "I have gold, diamonds, juwels. Everything a pretty girl like you wants." I glare at him.

"I have gold, diamonds and juwels myself, your majesty", I say politely. "Oh... my mistake", says the king. "I thought little girls all liked that kind of stuff."
"I'm a full grown woman, so I don't."

"What's it that you want? Perhaps you just want to get properly fucked perhaps?" The men behind him laugh, filling the room for a couple of seconds. Except for the familiar guy who slightly glared at them. I can feel anger slowly build in me. "I want your head..."

Laughter dies...

"... on a spike. Sended back to your own kingdom for your people to see how miserable of a king you are."

Tension fills the room. Valarian and the guards behind me glare at his and his at mine. The king glares at me with expression I can't describe. He was insulted that is all I can tell. I til my head up with a grin on my face as my eyes stare into his. "Your in my kingdom. You shall treat me with respect and equality for as long your on my ground. If you don't, you will see how much pain I can be", I say in a threatening tone. My hands are sweating as the tension continues to grow.

Suddenly, the young man gets up in between the two of us. "Hello, my name is Adrian. I believe we haven't met, "he says with a kind smile to clear the tension. "It's very nice to finally meet you. We heard a lot of good things about you."
Despite the kings angry glare, I want to get rid of the tension, too. "Nice to meet you, Prince Adrian." The male bows with still a kind smile.

I glance back at the king behind him.

He is going to cut my throat tonight...

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