Chapter 7

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The figure with a knife lunges at us. I don't even have time to scream. I pull Zephyr away, and we both fall to the ground.

I roll out of the way before the knife just barely hits my head.

I can't kill him! Otherwise, I can't question him later.

I duck as he swings the dagger at me, but I'm too late, and the metal hits my flesh, making a cut in my upperarm. I hiss in pain, but I don't have time to think before the killer tries again. "Zephyr, get Valarian!" I yell. Zephyr nods and runs away.

I step backward, forcing the figure into the light. He wears completely black with a mask. There are two dark eyes piercing in mine.

I lung forward, grabbing the mask and pulling it down. I get a glimpse of his face for just a second, but that is enough. I can't risk my life for it!

Energy bursts through me, I close my eyes, and before the attacker can give his next strike, he collapses lifelessly on the ground. I'm breathing heavily. I hear footsteps coming closer. "Valarian, I'm glad yo -" Before I can finish my sentence, I see another hooded figure. "Oh, come on," I sigh.

I get up quickly take the knife. I swing it at the figure, who immediately ducks away. He grabs a gun and points it at me. However, he doesn't pull the trigger.

I concentrate, I can kill him. He can kill me. It all depends on who takes the first step. The only thing I have to do is think the word. All he has to do is pull the trigger. But he doesn't.

I straighten my back. "What stops you?" I dare to ask. The hooded man doesn't answer. I stare into his green eyes.

An unusual color...

"Drop the gun boy," threats Valarian. He suddenly stands behind the hooded man, who puts his sword in his neck. The man holds his hands up and drops the gun.

"Should I kill him, my queen?" Asks Valarian. "No, not yet," I say as I look the second assasin.

"Who has sent you?" I ask.

"Lie, betray, leave behind," says the man with no emotions.

My concerned eyes meet Valarians. "How do you know about that?" I ask more sternly.

"None of your business," the voice of the attacker says. "How do you know about that?" I ask again. "They hired me to kill you."
"Who did?" Asks Valarian, raising his voice, making even me shiver.
But he never used it to me, luckily.

As the male doesn't answer. Valarian pushes his sword against the flesh, blooddrops slowly falling down his skin. He grimaces but doesn't even flinch. "I will kill you if you don't speak," threatens Valarian, his eyes full of annoyance. I watch waiting for an answer.
Zephyr also just looks at us, not daring to interferne.

"I don't fear death," says the man. Valarian pulls off his hood, revealing a beautiful young face. I clenched jawline, his lovely eyeshape, his lips perfect size for his face.

But what really catches our attention is his hair. It's white as snow, and his pale skin twinkles in the daylight. I know only one kingdom that has these features.

"You're from Frostholm."

He also has multiple diamonds in his ear, even a necklace, which is worth a lot.

The assasin glares at me. It was clear he was either a thief or very rich. "An assasin and thief, of course," says Valarian, irritates. He pushes his sword deeper.

"Stop," I command, which Valarian immediately reacts to. I look once again at his necklace, I recognize the symbol. "You're not a thief, aren't you?"

Then, the realization hits me. "You're Prince Volorius from Frostholm!" I blunt out.

"Should we torture in formation out of him?" Asks Valarian waiting for my answer. "No, killing the second heir of Frostholm is basically demanding a war," I say, thinking. "Your brother has sent you, didn't he?"

Prince Volorius doesn't answer and just keeps glaring at me.

"Why would he send his own brother to kill you?"asks Zephyr. "You defeat magic with magic," I reply.

Frostholm's people are very proud people. They rule a kingdom in the north, it's always covered with a layer of snow, and the sun is very weak there. That's why their skin is pale and the hair is white. Most of the time, they have blue eyes like diamonds except for one... the prince, that's how I recognized him. Furthermore, he has a power as well, I think it was protection. I couldn't kill him even if I tried to, not like his partner. That's why his brother, who was crowned king a couple of years ago after this father death, must have sent him because I can't kill him with my power.

"Let's not harm the prince. The king would send an army if we do."
"Not that that is a problem," says Valarian, referring to my power. I give him a short glare, reminding him that I don't like killing people.

"Does your brother care enough about you?" I ask the prince. He looks slightly confused about my question but doesn't answer. "I count on him he will come to get you," I say. "Bring the prince to a chamber, make sure the guards guard him with their life."

Two guards grab the prince and drag him away.

Just when he's out of sight and the adrenaline is leaving, pain starts brewing. I feel the wounds I didn't realize I had.

Valarian grabs my arms gentle for support. My legs tremble, Valarian puts his arm around my waist and helps me up.

"At least we know who wants to assasinete you," says Zephyr as he helps me up from my other side.

"Yes, and we captured his brother. There is no doubt now..."

"...He will come for us..."

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