Chapter 5

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I follow Valarian through the halls to the throne room with Khaled behind me. Two guards stand there, forcing a guy on his knees. He has blonde hair, somewhat darker skin for protection of the sun. But what mostly gets my attention are the tattoos with weird symbols on his skin. He doesn't look much older than me. "How did you find him?" I ask Valarian. "He had the same weapon that killed your sister, my queen."

"I never killed anyone!"says the prisinor. "Then what did you do with the weapon?" I ask. "I've never used it. I threatened with it, "the man replies. "Threatened?" I repeat. "He is a thief, your majesty. Caught him stealing in the palace once, "says one of the guards. "He's right! I am a thief, but I never murdered anyone."

I look at the young men in front of me. I don't think he is really a killer, nor an assassin.

"What did you steal?" I ask. "With respect, my queen," Valarian interups. "Does it matter what he stole if he killed the queen?"
"You don't know that, Valarian. I don't see any proof that he is the assassin." I can see the man's face light up for a moment. "However..."

I just can't let him get away with thieving. It's a crime, after all. My sister gave me the right for a woman to get a harem. Perhaps I should make use of it.

"... there is no proof you're innocent either. What's your name?" I ask. "The name is Zephyr, your majesty," replies the thief. "Alright, Zephyr. I will give you a choice, till you're innocent or your guilt is proven I can offer two things. You either will be punished for your crime of stealing from the palace, or you can join my harem." Zephyr doesn't even think about it for replying. "I will join your harem." The guards let him stand up. "That is done, but do mark my words. If we find proof of your guilt of my sister's murder I do what is necessary and won't let you escape with an unpainful death, "I threaten. "I understand, Your Highness," says Zephyr as he bows.

I sit in the garden, reading a book under a parasol. Otherwise, I burn in the hot sun. Only the ones who were born in Solara can't get burned because of the thickness of their skin. I see Raheem working in the garden, at least what is left to call a garden. "What are you doing?" I ask as he strokes some plants. Raheem smiles at me. "Nothing really, but stroking the leaf of the plant should make some coolness come through," he replies. "Really? Must be a very special plant, "I say. I dive back into my book, not paying further attention. That seems to trigger Raheem a little as he comes sit next to me. "What are you reading?" He asks. "A romance book. Love at first sight, a maid falls in love with the prince, "I explain. "What a nice story. Do you think such things can happen in real life?" He asks. "Love at first sight? Could be, but I don't really believe, though, "I say. "That wasn't what I meant," chuckles Raheem. He places his soft hands on my upper arms and lies his chin on my shoulder. I blush from the sudden contact. "Do you think a royal and a kind of servant could fall in love?" His lips brush against the back of my neck as he asks. My heart starts to race. "I-I, maybe?"
Raheem arms sneak around my waist, and he gives a kiss on the back of my neck. My cheek glow red. "I think so too," he whispers seductively in my ear. I freeze as I feel tingling in my belly, just as he wants to continue kissing my neck someone calls out to me.

"Auntie [name]!"

"Kemet?" I free myself from his Raheems arms before Kemet can see me. "Yes, dear?"
"I want to show you something," says the black haired young boy. He takes my hand and pulls me away from the male, who glares at my nephew for ruining the mood.

"What do you want to show me?" I ask. "Nothing, really. I just don't trust that guy, "he says, still holding my hand. "I don't want to lose you too, auntie [name]. Now Mama is dead. I don't want to lose you too, "he says. I can't help but my heart mold at his word. I honestly totally forgot about him. I was so busy grieving that I forgot how it would feel for him. Losing his mother, no one to cry on.

"Come here," I say. I let him sit on my lap before hugging him. "We're gonna do something fun today. Is that alright?" Kemet face lights up. "Yeah!"


I make myself ready for bed. Somehow, everything's feels different. I'm planning to take the role of Kemet his mom. Otherwise, he will never have a mother figure, and he already has no father. Also, I can't get Raheems action out of my head. I know it's his job to do that, but everything, the emotion he shows and the way he touched my arms didn't feel fake. It felt genuine. The longer I'm alone, the more I submit when they are trying to seduce me, even though it feels wrong.

There is a knock on my door. I open it, only to find the ex advisor before me. "Before you are going to shut the door, let me speak out," he says. I don't say a word but do as he requests. "I never meant to underestimate your gender, nor your tactics of leading. I do not ask to take me back to marry you because I completely understand, all though I do hope you could forgive me and accept my heartfelt apology, "he says. He bows his head slightly, looking at the ground as a sign of respect. "I guess I could forgive you, as long you accept that you will not be the king and nor my advisor," I tell him. "I completely understand it. However, I do hope I can stay in the palace," he says. I can see the desperate feeling in his eyes. "You have to earn a place in the capital. Otherwise, I could take all the villagers in. What are you willing to do to be useful for me?" I ask.

"I want to join your harem."


Love interests unlocked:


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