Rabbits of The Underhive pt 17

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*The dark Angel slowly creeps out behind the pile of corpses, his bolt pistol drawn and cautiously scanning the area, not before he duck back behind the corpses as several other ultramarines enters the room, all looking around and then heading off to a different part of the underground sewer systems bolsters drawn and a powersword's blade crackling with blue energy.*

Miyako: "why did you hide from them? They don't look like those cultist that summoned those daemons ealier, and why is their armor color different?"

Dark Angel: "We are allies, but not entirely, those guys belong to another chapter, the Ultramarines, another legion that turned into a chapter and started this chapter stuff, and from the looks of it, Primaris"

Miyako: "Primaris?"

Dark Angel: "you see, I am a firstborn, a type of astartes that has been around for 10,000 years, but Primaris, they are like astartes but better. Incorruptible, pure, and stronger."

Miyako: "so the firstborns are being replaced?"

Dark Angel: "More or less, some of us Firstborns become Primaris if we wish too, as it's safer then being an adult human trying to become an astartes, which is a guaranteed death, so all of us astartes are children who became soldiers."

Miyako: *whispering* almost the same"

Dark Angel: "plus, they have Mk X armor, the most recent pattern of Astartes power armor to exist, I and other firstborns, are stuck in either Mk VI or VII armor"

*he then peaks his head out of cover and scan the area*

Dark Angel: "the coast is clear, we advance deeper into this sewer, and into the heart of the cathedral"

Rabbits of the Underhive (Warhammer 40k X Blue Archive)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें