Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 4

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a series of gunfire can be heard as the traitor guardsmen of the city was pinned down by an unknown force, one of them peaks his head out a little and fires his Autogun blindly over his cover, only to see his comrade fell down, lying down on the ground with a smoldering hole in his head

Traitor Gaurdsmen: "Damn it!"

he quickly sticks his upper torso out of cover, but even before he could make a shot, a singular shot nailed him in the chest, and then into the head as he lies on the ground bleeding out dead

Miyako: "there is way more then I expected...."

she came out of her cover reloading her lazgun, and rushed forward towards the cathedral to stop the mad group from spreading the ruinous powers to the rest of the world

Misaki: "Rabbit 2, what's your status, over?"

Rabbit 2: "I am making my way to where Rabbit 3 is, she gave me her location, it's on an upper level so I took an elevator to get there"

Rabbit 2 was in a large spacious elevator as it was quickly ascending the hive city's underhive, as they are wondering where Rabbit 3 could be located

Rabbit 3: "I never looked outside yet, so I am going to take a look, give me a second"

Rabbit 3 stood up from her chair, she then looked out the window as she saw a clear orange sky, with a setting Sun in the distance

Rabbit 3: "Holy... I must be on the surface, I can see the sun, and I must be on a high spire as I see I am several stories high as I can barely see the ground! Holy crap!"

Both Rabbit 2 and Rabbit 1 looks shock about the shocking revelations Rabbit 3 has given. Rabbit 2 slowly sigh and looks up with a worried look

Rabbit 2: "now I need to look for the building you are in"

Rabbit 3 then heard a blip on her terminal, which she then took a look at, sitting back down

Rabbit 3: "What the... "several void craft detected"? What does that suppose to me-"

She then see 15 Valkyries flying across the skies with 2 Thunderhawks and one Space Marine Landing craft following close behind them

Rabbit 3: "Holy crap...!"

inside the Thunderhawk, the small student was looking around nervously as the ship rocked and shakes from the re-entry of the planet, the Space Marines looked unfazed as they all began to put their helmets on as one of the Dark Angel slowly looks at one of the Ultramarine and slowly nods at him

Thunderhawk pilot: "I can see a landing pad, I am going to drop you off there!"

Arigul: "Nah [Fallen] that! We are jumping off ship, save that landing pad for the dreadnought!"

Ultramarine: "You brought a dreadnought?"

Arigul: "yep, don't ask"

Arigul then picks up Miyu as the doors open up slowly as he charges with her under his arm, jumping off and quickly turning around mid air to give the Ultramarines the middle finger

Arigul: "Lion is better at close quarters combat then Guillimen!!!

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