Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 6

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The group consisting of Space marines, a dreadnought, and one student quickly ran through the battle zone which was once a quiet underhive as guardsmen regiment fight each off to secure key locations to continue their advance towards the cathedral where the Cult leader was hiding out, Saki and Miyu followed the Dark Angel Chaplin as he fires his bolt pistol at the vile and deformed servants of the ruinous powers, blowing them into pieces with each shot as they lie dead on the floor.

Arigul: "Brothers! We must head deep into the source of this corruption, this planet shall not fall into the traitor's hands!"

the six man squad of the Dark Angels open fire on the mortal cultist of pestilence as the bolts penetrate the steel and concrete covers as it rips apart the horde of cultist who are trying to push them back

Saki: "I was wondering, if you said brothers, does that mean you are all related? Like one big family?"

Arigul: "Nay human, we called ourselves brothers because we were all raised as children together during our initiation as space marines, we fought both tooth and nail to get to we are now, we all share the same gene seeds in our chapters thus making us battle brothers to each other!"

Arigul then quickly slam his fist into a mutant that was charging towards them, then raising his foot and slamming it down on the monstrosity's head killing it in an instant

Arigul: "we must continue this conversation later! We got heretics to kill!"

Saki: "isn't this guy super religious?"

Miyu: "Yea, he's a Chaplin, the Chapter's battle priest, he help his friends feel more at ease with prayers and blessings"

Saki: "huh, at least the nuns at Trinity isn't as crazy as these guys"

she fires her weapon upon a horde of the infected that was charging towards them, then quickly discharging her magazine reaching for another as she realized that she used up all of her ammunition

Saki: "I am out! I need more!"

Arigul turned around looking at the rabbit soldier then looking down and grabbing a lasgun from one of the dead and tossing it to her

Arigul: "Use th-"

Suddenly a large vechicle is and into the black covered battle priest slamming into a wall, it tank like treads turns quickly as it attempt to squash the battle priest, it large red eye glows maliciously as it snarling mouth growls at the loyalist priest

Dark Angel Tech Priest: "By the throne... Daemon Engine!!"

The Chaplin raises his Crozius and slammed it into the sickly green iron hide of the heretical machine while blasting it with psychic energy harming the monster. The Blight Hauler screeches in pain before being silenced as a singular shot through it causes it's slump over as the demon inside disappears. The blue and white dreadnought has fired it shot as the barrel of the gun smokes as Miyu walks towards him

Miyu: "Y-you ok?"

the massive mechanical hand reaches out for the chaplin as she kicks away the hunk of metal away from the astartes, he reaches out and grabs her hand and lifts himself up, before turning his gaze towards it

Arigul: "I am fine, dreadnought..."

he stares deeply at the fallen Daemon engine, tightening his grip around his crozius, then put his hand on his helmet

Arigul: "Attention Astartes, we have encountered a Daemon Engine, I repeat, we have encountered a daemon engine"

Ultramarine: "Oh that's just great! We are under fire from multiple bolt fire and plasma shot from hostile in this passage way! We are still trying to determine what they are!"

the ultramarine sticks his head out looking over the makeshift covers of steel boxes and debris as he got a clear look at one of the defenders, he clear caught a glimps of the sickly green and rusted bronze armor with incense balls stuck in the armor, a mutant snarling face growls from his left shoulder plate and horns growing from his right shoulders, his stomach was a snarling mouth and sharp fangs bites the air, as he continues to fire a bolt gun covered in fungus, his helmet, with a slit for a visor and thin linear openings going downwards, was marching forward with each step of his green metal boots


The blue warrior raises his bolt gun, and fires his bolt rifle as it tears off the corrupted armor of the Mkiii helmet of the traitorous marine as three more behind him charges forward returning fire assaulting the covers of the the Ultramarines

Ultramarine: "Die! Traitor!"

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