Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 9

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The Chaplin on the other side of the radio heard of all of, his hand shook in pure rage upon hearing the Plague Marine's voice. His fist further clutching his Crozius tighter as he looks towards the Cathedral, his hand drops from his helmet, as he begun to walk forward

Arigul: "I have finally found you, Traitor!!"

Saki: "Wait a moment! What is going on!?"

Dark Angel: "Well, I am guessing he finally found the [FALLEN] that killed his friend, another space marine from another chapter"

Rabbit 3: "So, I intercepted the transmission from the blue guys, what are Traitor Marines? Are they Space Marines that betrayed you?"

Arigul: "They are a bunch of filthy heretics that turned away from the Emperor's grace! All the way back from the Horus Heresy! They betrayed us by joining the ruinous powers and there are still marines that is turning to them!"

Miyu: "Ruinous power?"

Arigul: "I said too much... Come! We got to find your friend before that traitor finds them!"

Miyako was limping from all the battles she had to go through in the winding passage ways and corridors, she had to wear the gun with a sling so that she could support her own wait by leaning against a wall

Miyako: "how...much...further...?"

Miyako slowly comes into a room as she looks around to make sure there is no one else in this area, she aimed a laspistol infront of her, scanning left and right making sure she won't get ambushed like some of her previous attempts, she jumped upon hearing a cold, mechanical voice on her left as she instantly turned and firing her pistol, at the direction of where the source came from, the red streak of light narrowly hits the side of a white, metallic box with a human inside it, a human with his lower half plugged into the white box, his arms replaced with a sorts of mechanical surgery tools with some being a needle and others being knifes, a metal covering his mouth can be seen as it was latched over to the inside of the glowing interior of the box, and she could see the lifeless, dead body eyes, as it spoke

Medicae Servitor: "I am ready to serve"

Miyako, exhausted, a bandage overing her wounds on her left arm and a few bruises from the cultist's assault can be seen, she carefully approaches the box, looking at the lobotomized human inside

Miyako: "What did they do to you...?"

she carefully touches the metal covering on his head, feeling sorry for the poor man, then she clutches her hand angry at the followers of Nurgle for what they have done to him

Miyako: "They will-"

before she can say anything else, the needles and syringes sprung out at her piercing her skin and uniform into her vein, pumping stimulants and pain killers into her, her wounds quickly disinfected and stitched up by the nimble machine as the next thing she knew, she was feeling better then ever, she was exhausted a second ago, and now, she feels energized. She looked up at him, and bow slightly at the lobotomized human

Miyako: "Thank you... I swear I will make them answer for what they have done!"

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