Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 14

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*The Chaplin then snaps out of his daze and shock as a loud explosion can be heard and knocked him off his feet, he stood up quickly and turns around, what he saw shocked him.  A large, disgustingly green mass of flesh slide around the battlefield in front of him, leaving behind a trail of pus, it large blobby head looks around with a large floppy tongue that secretes vile infected drool onto the ground.  He slowly looks around him, a sickly green fog surrounds the area, as he slowly gets up reaching out for the closest weapon in his reach, he touched a hand, he looks down to see one of his battle brothers lying dead in front of him, his dark green helmet cracked open from the charge of the monster, revealing a decaying head of a human, all shriveled up, a small sapling ground on his face, and his dead empty eyes.  He stood up to see more of the bodies around him, his entire squad wiped out.  Arigul clutched his fist in anger, with a deep sense of hatred and sorrow in his eyes, he stared at the Beast of Nurgle sliding away from him, he looks to his left on the ground, he quickly holstered a heavy bolter, and squeeze the trigger of the weapon, while aiming it at the massive yellow pimple on it's back*


*The bolts explodes on the beast's back, it slowly turns around to see a lone black armored warrior standing before him firing away, as the gun ran out of ammo, he quickly tumbled to the left before the beast could ram into him, he then proceeds picks up a auto boltgun, firing more into the beast.  He soon heard clicking sounds from his gun, throwing it away, and pulling out his plasma pistol, and prepares to fire it into the beast's face.  Then a large white metal dreadnought came out of the fog, unaffected by the monster's presence, and slams her claw into it's large pus sack on the back, rupturing it, as it emits a loud painful screech, slowing turning it into a mass of gas, signaling it's defeat.  The marine looks around quickly as he sees the fog disappearing around him, giving him a more clear site of the battle at hand, his eyes as soon filled with relief as he caught a glimpse of some of his brothers surviving, all looking around trying to catch a moment from the sudden attack of a Daemon*

Miyu: "are you ok, Arigul?"

Arigul: "Yes I am fine, but what about-"

Saki: "Me?  I am just fine"

*Arigul turns around quickly, suprised to see one of the rabbits with a gas mask covering her face*

Saki: "Thank god Moe warned us about the sudden attack, we manage to get some gas masks over our face before their biological weapon could affect us"

Arigul: "That was no creature, or Bio weapon, it was a Daemon, a warp entity of Nurgle.  One of the four ruinous powers"

Moe: "Sheesh, Nurgle has creatures like that?  Gross, he must look gross as well"

Arigul: "well you are right on that part"

Moe, Saki, Miyu: "Eh?"

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