Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 8

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*the ultramarine stared down his foe, pulling out his auto bolt gun dashing backwards away from the Champion as he fires his shots at him, managing to wound the traitor warrior as he blocked most of his attack with his power fist*

Eboli: "Is that what you Primaris can do? Well you can eat my fist!"

*Eboli then fired his bolt pistol at the marine as he sustained damaged but then looked up to see the Chaos Champion up close to his face as he raises his fist, and plunge his clawed powerfist in the chest, causing the marine to barf up blood, and pulls his fist out of chest and the Ultramarine lies on the ground dead.*

*the sergent seeing the power of the Plague Champion looked in shock as he could hear his brother die in his Vox. He then clutched his bolter gun tightly, and open fired on the Blight launcher, but in his rage, he missed all of his shots and then charges at the plague marine with his fist. He punches the armored warrior in the face causing him to fall to the ground. The blight marine then stabbed a knife into the sergent's chest, but he didn't noticed the pain as he threw two more punches into the marine causing him to kill the heavy gunner. He stood above his enemy breathing hard, looking down on him, only to get smashed in the back of the head by a frail, causing him to fall to his knees.*

Ultramarine: "What the-"?

*He turned around, and saw the plague marine towering over him, looking down on him, with a gaze mocking the sergent*

Plague Marine: "foolish Corpse Worshipper"

*The Sergeant then threw his fist at his enemy causing him to stumble backward, he then swung his frail at the enraged marine as he duck and attmepts to throw another punch, but misses as the plague marine side stepped to the left then swung down his frail as the Ultramarine rolled to the right of the Chaos Marine. Before the marine can stand the frail swung under him as it cracked apart his chest armor as the infectious green mist flowed into his system, causing the marine to die from the inside, as he can feel his body rot*

Ultramarine: "I am sorry, my brothers..."

*the armor of the marine remained, as the ultramarine lies on the ground, and the plague marine threw his frail over his shoulders and laughs at him and turns around*

Plague Marine: "you should of accepted the Grandfather's gift, Ultramarine"

Eboli: "Very good, Tetus, you have killed another of those incorruptable fools, I wish those Primaris could of joined our side"

Tetus: "thank you milord, but we both know full well that they can't accept the grandfather's gift, so, are we going to kill them all again, making them accept the Grandfather's gift"

Eboli: "Very soon my friend, very soon...!"

*Eboli then let out a loud laugh into the air, letting his voice, echo into the infected and battle torn sewer system*

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