Rabbits of the Underhive Pt 1

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Blood angel: Dark angel why did you cal-

the red space marine stops in his tracks upon taking sight of the dark Angel standing infront of a dread, except, it was blue with white on it, with it's barrel covered in cloth. And in it was a small human with a pair of white rabbit ears on her black hair, and on the box she was in, was a recycling symbol

Blood angel: what the throne is this?

Dark Angel: This is the newest Raven Guard Dreadnought I was supposed to deliver, she looks... cute though

Blood Angel: Throne, Arigul this is tech heresy to the Mechanicus, do you think they would approve of it?

Arigul: I don't know Hiut, ask the Machine Cult over there

the Dark Angel suddenly points his thumb at a group of Mechanicus praying to the dreadnought

Hiut: Oh my throne what the [squak], Sangulius didn't die for this...  By the way, how did they manage to get a pilot for this dreadnought?

Arigul: I heard she was found in an underhive hiding in a recycling box, thus the Mechanicus found her while looking for an STC and found her sniping from it, which inspired them to kidnap her apparently to fullfil the Raven Guard's request for a stealth Dreadnought, and the girl's name is "me-you" apparently.

Hiut: Huh, her symbol is not of the Raven Guard, what is it?

Arigul: According to her, she belongs to a squad called SRT, Survival and Rescue Team is what it means.

Hiut: Is she part of a squad?

Arigul: Apparently ye-

Arigul came to the sudden realization upon thinking upon this

Arigul: I think the Mechanicus [HERESY] up

back in the underhive the SRT members are desperately trying to find their shy teammate while killing off any Nurgle cultist, shouting her name in a desperate plea, hoping she is still alive and the cult didn't take her

???: Have you found Rabbit 4 yet?

???: No, sorry Rabbit 1, not yet. It will take us months, or even years to find out where Miyu is.

a lone girl clad in body armor with white rabbit ears is standing alone in a city plaza surrounded by corpses looks around to see any sight of movement, before heading off to search one of the many recycling bins found in this hive city. She holsters her white Suomi and lifts up one of the lids of the trash cans before covering her noses and putting it away

Rabbit 1: She is not here either...

she then heard something behind her as 3 men dress in sickly green robes with some 2 of them growing horns, all without noses, and clearly has blisters on their face

"For the grandfather!!"

the girl known as rabbit one quickly pulls out her sub machine gun and quickly dispatches the followers of the ruinous powers as two of them quickly fell on the blood soaked pus covered ground. The third one manages to get close to her as he raises his pipe over his head only for her to shoot him in the chest, with the barrel of her submachine gun barely touching his chest as he quickly fell onto the floor

Rabbit 1: What drove these guys into this...?

she then pulls out the drum magazine from her weapon, seeing it completely empty, she then looks at one of the guns on the ground near the corpse of cultist, picking up one of the slimy rifles

Rabbit 1: yuck... at least it's better then nothing

She starts removing the mag to check if it has any billets left, to her shock it doesn't have any bullets, but rather it's like a battery to the gun

Rabbit 1: Huh, it's a... laser gun? I am pretty sure the Engineering Club in Millennium would make something like this

she searches the other bodies to find ammo for her new and interesting weapon, she then come upon a very bulky pistol, she picks it up and see the symbol etched into it's side, three circles with three pointed tips, she wonders what it is, until she heard the sound of loud footsteps coming towards her, she quickly looks up, and a large man, a person who is completely bulging, wearing a gas mask, his arms deformed and tubes flows from his back toward his chest. Was charging at her

Rabbit 1: Oh no...

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