Chapter 47 - Food

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A/N: I'm sorry that the chapters are shorter now towards the end, there's just not much I can fill them with anymore. I can be more descriptive, but I think I'll go back and edit all the chapters to do that. Hope you enjoy!


"This is your last chance to change your mind." The warning voice of Tanjiro was supportive and gentle as the two sat with Shinobu, who carefully prepared the needle with the test drug. "You can still back up and use the normal cure instead." He suggested, almost hoping that y/n would.

"Indeed, there is no shame in backing out of this." The insect hashira agreed, care in her tone although it didn't show in her expression. If this went wrong it could have severe side effects. But it didn't bother y/n, it wouldn't phase her. With one encouraging nod, she had finalised her decision.

The needle stung as it broke through her skin, hurting more and more as it proceeded further. For once she was thankful for the muzzle as she gritted her fanged teeth against it in pain. This was easily the most painful injection she had ever gotten. She was still cringing in pain once it was over, her arm aching as Shinobu patted it with a cotton pad, but only for a moment before the two demon slayers backed up. They prepared themselves by unsheathing their swords, holding their stances as they watched y/n carefully.

It only hurt for a moment more before y/n felt nothing, looking around curiously. No one knew what to expect. Was it meant to be painful? Was there supposed to be any reaction at all? Maybe it failed...

In a flash y/n ripped off her muzzle, her stomach growling loudly as she looked at the two humans with wide eyes.

"I am so hungry." She declared, her teeth feeling weird as they no longer formed fangs. The slits in her eyes slowly returned to normal pupils, but that didn't mean that the two demon slayers would relax yet.

"For blood or sweet potatoes?" Tanjiro smiled awkwardly, pushing a little bit of humour through as he got a good feeling as he watched the colour go back into y/n's skin tone.

"All the potatoes you have please! I'm honestly starving." Y/N laughed happily, her stomach growling as she watched her clawed hands morph back into normal fingers. The happiness and need for human food completely distracted her from the agony of the change. She was glad that it worked. She was human again!

"I'll go to the kitchen and see what there is." Shinobu smiled wider, content with the outcome as she left. Her instinct had become to lock the door, but she hesitated before looking at y/n again. It was nice to have her colleague back, but she couldn't risk anything. Sadly, she locked the door once more before leaving the keys with Tanjiro.

"So the blue spider lily had no effect?" Tanjiro questioned.

"I guess not." Y/N shrugged. It wasn't the end of the world that nothing special happened, being a human again was enough to make her happy. The outcome of this drug decided for her, she'd just have to kill the progenitor after all.

"I'll need to write a letter and let lady Tamayo know, it's great to have you back to normal, miss y/n!" Tanjiro spoke cheerfully, walking off and once again locking the gate. He would return the keys to Shinobu and then continue on with his communication with lady Tamayo.

The food was delicious and extremely filling, it left y/n with a huge smile on her face. Of course, before she could be let out they needed to test a few things. She had to take upon some injuries to see if she'd regenerate, as that would be the biggest giveaway of a failed cure. But right now, she was happy to just enjoy the progress that she had. Being a normal human felt nice again, and honestly, she felt as though she needed more food...

"So, you are human now?" Kyojuro spoke, and y/n smiled at him, making sure he saw her teeth. "That's wonderful!" He laughed before a guilty look made its way across his face.

"I am sorry for losing my temper with you. Of course you are not a monster, I was just worried for your health is all." Explained the hashira after he entered the jail, embarrassed and refusing to make eye contact.

"I forgive you." Y/N approached him with a cheeky grin, getting onto her toes to place a kiss to his lips. At the action, his eyes widened, looking to her as desire triggered itself within him. Hungrily he pulled her head towards his, being gentle as he did to place hungry, desperate kisses on her lips. Y/N didn't know how long it had been, but feeling these pecks of affection sent sparks throughout her whole body as she returned them happily. It was so nice to be human again.

"I love you." He muttered after a few more moments of kissing that slowly went from pure to lustful. His voice became breathy as he continued to place soft kisses along y/n's jaw before nibbling on her ear. Hearing those words drove her butterflies insane as she moved to return the favour, giving a slight nibble onto his ear. Together their breathing hitched, Kyojuro's breath in pleasure, but y/n...

She panicked. Something was wrong. She had only nibbled his ear, a light bite, and yet, she felt herself starving. Her eyes had turned back to slits, she could feel it. The hunger for blood came back again, and her heart ached. No...No...She was still a demon? How? No longer in the mood to continue this moment, she backed away. Kyojuro couldn't know that the cure failed...He just couldn't. Dread corrupted her as she looked to the floor with her eyes closed, backing away...

"Y/N, what's wrong?"

Don't let him see.

"Was I too pushy? I'm sorry..."

Think of an excuse. Something. Anything.

"Hey..." The flame hashira reached an arm out, gently touching her shoulder. Y/N breathed heavily for a moment as his other hand went to her chin, lifting her head. "Open your eyes, little flame." She didn't even want to register his sweet pet name for her. She launched herself forward into his chest, hugging him tightly while keeping her eyes sealed.

"Are you still upset because of what I said? I'm so sorry if I hurt you this badly..." He fussed, returning the hug as he realised her tears.

"I'm just so happy." Y/N lied through tears, hoping he would buy it as she tried to change her eyes back. Usually she could, and she'd feel it. Why wouldn't they change back?

"I know when you're lying." Kyojuro muttered, making her tense. "Look at me." Y/N ignored him, even when he stepped back and held her far enough to see her face. She just faced the ground once again and closed her eyes.

"That's an order, y/n." Words couldn't describe how much he hated using his ranking over her, but this wasn't okay.

"I'm a hashira too. You can't order me around." Y/N made an excuse for herself, attempting to get him to back off.

"Perhaps, but there's still a hierarchy." The flame hashira informed, lifting her chin to make her face him once again. "Open your eyes."

More tears slipped from them as y/n hesitated for a little longer, before she revealed them. The man she fell in love with was all she could see as he watched her closely, his own eyes widening in surprise as y/n was forced to reveal what had happened to her. "I'm sorry." She cried, her heart breaking as she let herself become weak.

"Shh, it's okay." His instant reaction was to pull her close and hold her tight, seeing how distraught she had become. "We'll get through this." He supported.

"I don't know what's happening." Y/N sobbed, holding back onto him tightly. "I was just eating normal food earlier, and now I'm hungry for blood again, and I can't tell what I should be doing." Y/N admitted. Kyojuro tensed as he realised that the woman he loved was still a threat to him, but he chose to ignore it as he gently shushed her, attempting to soothe her.

"There, that's better." The flame hashira spoke after a while, sensing that y/n had calmed down. "We'll figure this out together, for now, would you like me to get you anything?"

"Can I have ramen?" His laughter boomed at her request as he happily patted her hair.

"Of course you can." He purred, holding her tightly like that for a while longer before leaving to get her the food she wanted. But he couldn't help but frown, worry overcoming him as he wondered what had happened to her.

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