Chapter 22 - Never Say Never

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A/N: Thank you all for the support on this fic so far! I'm extremely grateful for all the votes and comments as it pulls me out of my horrendous writer's block. Call me ambitious, but I want to attempt to finish this fic by the end of the year. It would be a great accomplishment for me, as I've never managed to finish a book in my life. Wish me luck and happy reading!


A tingle of pain that coated her arm was the first thing that y/n sensed as she came to. The next was her train of thought as she recalled recent events, falling into the burning building and then...she thought it would have been more painful than it was. But then, if she died, would she even feel anything? With that thought her eyes snapped open, her body instinctively sitting up with a gasp. Breathing heavily she scanned the area around her. There was no flames, no burning buildings and no demons around to finish her off. Instead she was in...the butterfly mansion? How did she get here? Relaxing slightly she hissed in pain, the effects of falling two flights and being possibly swallowed by flames reminding her that she wasn't fully better.

"Oh, you're awake!" Wincing, y/n looked over to a door to the medical ward she was in. The injured demon slayers around her suddenly tuned in at the sound of a familiar voice. The girl, one of the three girls Senjuro loved, stared at her with the widest smile she had ever was honestly adorable.

Until the other two poked their heads in too, smiling in the same manner. Then it... wasn't so cute. This announcement made the other injured slayers look to her from their beds, all but the ones asleep stared at her in awe. It honestly made her feel self conscious as she focused on her lap to hide her face. She wasn't all that social it turned out...

"I will get her food!"

"I'll give her medicine!"

"I've got fresh bandages!"

After that declaration, two of the girls disappeared from sight only for a moment while the other started redoing her bandages across the burned parts of her limbs. However, that moment felt like forever as she felt eyes on her still.

"How did you do it?" One of the slayers spoke from the bed next to her, watching her with admiration.

"H-huh?" She looked to him, hiding her embarrassment as best she could.

"You killed a lower moon!" Another exclaimed. "Ow." The energy from shouting added to the pain of his broken leg. A second later he smiled at her, bringing a smile to her face.

"You did a really good job, miss y/n!" The girl said as she applied a gel to the burns, not looking away as she made sure she did the best she could.

"It was just luck...I guess?" She muttered to herself. Y/N had no idea how she survived, how she successfully took down such a powerful demon. "How long was I out for?"

"Quite a while. A lot has happened while you were unconscious miss y/n." The girl spoke effortlessly, starting to do the fresh bandages on y/n's legs. "There were three demon slayers that appeared here extremely injured, but one of them was carrying a demon with him. But in the end they were really nice and now they're all better and on their next mission!" Maybe it was just her trauma and experience that put her off, but she just couldn't trust that a demon would ever be friendly. But, it had been a while since she had given anyone the benefit of the doubt. For all she knew, maybe this demon was the first...Nervously she bit her lip as another thought poked into her mind.

"And the demon train, is it...gone?" For some reason, that train haunted her. Something about it was screaming at her, like something terrible would happen.

"That's the mission they are currently completing, miss y/n." She informed cheerfully, fully confident as she finished the bandages. "Mr Rengoku is also with them!"

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