Chapter 46 - Anger

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A/N: The order of these next few chapters were difficult for me to figure out, because I needed them to make sense, so it might take me a little longer to get the last chapters out. Please bear with me!


When y/n next had a guest, she couldn't help her smile. Tanjiro was there, overjoyed and ecstatic about the new developments. Of course, why wouldn't he be? After so many years of suffering and fighting, Nezuko was finally a human once again. As a human, the girl looked a lot brighter and mature, her smile resembled the feeling that being in the sun would give you. It was a feeling y/n could barely remember, but still, it made her glad to see that the cure worked.

"Hello, miss y/n. I am so thankful to you for everything. Allowing me to become human once again instead of yourself must have not been easy and I will forever be thankful to you." Even her voice was beautiful, sweet and full of heart. Y/N was fully proud of her decision as she smiled back at the now human girl, her muzzle blocking her from saying anything. She just had to hope that they knew she was happy for them.

"I have received more information from lady Tamayo about this experimental cure using the blue spider lily essence." Tanjiro spoke after a while of thankfulness. "She explained that the effects could either cure you or leave unknown effects. She warned me not to get Shinobu to administer it until you were given a few days to fully consider what taking it might mean. Anything could happen..."

Y/N was silent as she took in the information.  It was hard for her to know what could happen to her, and she knew if she backed out then the original cure would work out for her instead. But part of her yearned to take this alternative drug, to see what it would do to the progenitor rather than leave it an empty mystery. Y/N nodded, confirming that she was sure that she wanted to try it, though she'd have to wait a few days as her mind might have changed by then. Y/N was stubborn, it wouldn't be very easy to take her mind off of the new goal. She wanted the first demon not just to die, but to suffer as a human for many years. The potential of that occurring was enough for her to want to be the test subject of this experiment.

Still, Tanjiro was good and did as he was told. They spoke about other things together with y/n while she just listened quietly, appreciating the company that was rare to come by nowadays. Usually people only appeared when they needed something from her or if they had to. She was sure that even though Kyojuro enjoyed his time with her, he was only doing it now so that she didn't feel neglected. She had tried persuading him many times that he could train without visiting her every day and that she wouldn't mind, but he wouldn't have it.

The Kamado siblings eventually left, thanking her once again before they did. With nothing new to concentrate on, y/n watched the flame of the torch across from her. It had been the most permanent thing around her apart from the weapon just barely out of reach. She couldn't wait to grab it again and use it to destroy every demon she came across. She was sick of this. Ever since she was a child there were these horrible creatures she had to fear, forcing her into a life of violence she wished she never had. It would have been so nice to have been normal. She'd kill every demon in sight once she was human again, and if the test cure didn't work, then she'd kill them as a demon too. It would only make her stronger...She refused to think of the worst outcome.

Instead she thought of the future. It was uplifting and it was what kept her afloat while she was isolated in the dark. What would she do when she was no longer a demon? Once demons were entirely wiped out from existence? Of course, she wanted to continue her relationship with the flame hashira, and they could do it properly with no interference...No missions. Without demons she wouldn't need to fight anymore and she honestly didn't want to. Her sword would become a decoration, a memory of what had occurred so that she could never forget the valuable lessons she had been taught. She'd definitely move out of the Rengoku estate, even if things were better there now, it wasn't her home. She was confident that with the money earned, she'd be able to get herself a nice home. Close to a town maybe?

Career wise? She had always read about how fun it would be to work in a bar. If there was enough money left over, she could make her own company. She already thought of a name as well. The Sweet Potato. She laughed lightly to herself as she thought of it. It was random in her train of thought, but she was sure Kyojuro would love it. It would have a wide range of bar snacks and not only sake, but alcohol from other countries. And a wide selection of teas! She'd find the most unique flavours, maybe even make her own. The drunken people that came with the package would provide her enough entertainment for a lifetime.

Owning a bar sounded nice.

"Y/N! I've come to see you again!" Kyojuro spoke, somehow sneaking up on her after the daydreaming she had done. He locked himself in with her swiftly, as if he had been doing it for years. She leapt forward to him and pulled him into a tight hug, making him gasp in surprise as he turned. A light laugh escaped him before he hugged back, noticing y/n's content smile. "You seem happy."

Y/N made a noise of confirmation, nuzzling her face further into his muscled chest as she got comfortable. She hadn't exactly missed him, but the thoughts of the future had made her feel happy enough that she couldn't resist the urge to hug the male that made her happiness possible.

"I wish you could tell me." Sighed the flame hashira, beginning to stroke the demon's hair as they remained in that position for a few long moments. "But I need to ask you about something."

Feeling his tension, y/n looked up. She stepped back to get a full view of his face, seeing the serious expression on his face made her worry. There was a time where he seemed almost carefree, like nothing could get him down like this. They had been having a lot of serious talks lately. It was unsettling to say the least...

"I was talking earlier to the Kamado siblings about the cure that had been developed. They had informed me of an experimental version that you agreed to try out." Based on his tension, y/n could tell he wasn't happy to learn that. The worry in his eyes spoke a thousand words, all of them heartbreaking. Still, y/n nodded. He wouldn't make her back out of this. It was too important to her.

"Please don't do it...The outcome is unknown and there is no reason to put yourself at further risk." He pushed, placing his hands onto her smaller shoulders as his red and gold eyes locked onto hers. "Please...Killing him is enough, don't you think?"

For most, it would be. And for a moment, he almost convinced her that it was. But when she thought to how that man was the reason her home was destroyed, the reason that families were ripped apart, the reason she had become a demon herself, not even to mention that he had used the people she loved most as blackmail and that he had gaslighted her multiple times most likely, she couldn't settle for just killing him. If there was a chance he could suffer more, then y/n would take it. Her softened eyes narrowed once again, shaking her head in refusal at Kyojuro's suggestion. The demon appreciated his input, but it wouldn't change her mind.

"Being vengeful doesn't suit you..." Kyojuro let out a sigh, stressing himself out. "Please, what if you become more of a monster than you already are?"

"Hm?" Y/N became angered at those words, offended even. Though she couldn't take the muzzle off, she didn't need to for him to know how she felt about his words. How could he think of her that way? Hadn't she proven herself to be normal? Just because her body had mutated slightly, it didn't make her a monster! Did it?

"What I mean is that, you could end up worse than Muzan. You could be stronger, more aggressive, impossible to kill and who knows what else...Is it really worth it when you've already done so much harm?"

Maybe his words made sense, maybe they didn't, but y/n refused to forget her goal. She would kill every demon she saw, but for the original demon? She would make him suffer. Angrily, y/n turned her back to the flame hashira, no longer wanting to listen to what he had to say.

"Fine, be that way. You will regret it." Kyojuro hissed, losing his temper before leaving. He even went as far as double locking the metal bars, which was something he never did. His anger surprised y/n and even made her feel a little guilty. Kyojuro was never one to have a temper that short...

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