Chapter 18 - Family Gathering

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A/N: Again this is another chapter I added after the fact. Hope you guys enjoy!


"Senjuro, how about you just focus on making the food since you're better than us." Shinjuro spoke with a rushed tone.

Panic was what y/n awoke too in the morning, walking out of the room she borrowed to see the Rengoku family running around in a frenzy. Senjuro was the person having the easiest time, as he could clean effortlessly after years of doing it on his own.

"Oh, okay father..." Senjuro was worried, unsure of why there was such a rush. Y/N had to rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Shinjuro wasn't drunk for once? That thought alone caused her to think she had to still be dreaming. But before she had the chance to view him properly to be sure of what she was seeing, he was gone. He can move fast for an old man with what would likely be the worst hangover to exist.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Next to her the current flame hashira grinned, cleaning products in his hands. It was one of those rare times where he wasn't in his uniform, and y/n had to do a double take.

"Am I dreaming?" Next to her Kyokai barked before running after Senjuro, knowing that he could get a treat based on the direction he went.

"Nope!" Kyojuro laughed, surprisingly more happy than usual. Speaking of usual, the home was more of everything than usual, cleaner, happier, brighter...She was still shocked that despite all this, Shinjuro wouldn't have been more drunk than usual. The loud noise of him stumbling slightly, cursing as he knocked something over in the distance broke her away from that thought. Okay, so maybe he still had a little bit of alcohol in him.

"What's the occasion?" Y/N looked back towards the flame hashira with wide eyes, still a bit sleepy but preparing herself to help.

"Family is coming over, it only happens once every few years." Kyojuro explained. Family? She guessed it would make sense that he had an extended family, they were a very successful heritage after all. "It always puts our father in a panic." Speaking of him, he sped past with a broken vase in his hands, trying to find the nearest place to hide it.

"Especially this time since they haven't visited since our mother passed." Oh. Y/N woke up fully at that moment. Maybe she shouldn't be here for that then, since she wasn't truly part of this family. She could help them clean though, it would be the least she could do.

"Should I go? Since it's a family thing."

"No, of course not!" His voice echoed happily. "I want to show you off to them, so don't you dare." He teased. While y/n felt awkward about it, she couldn't help but grin back at his infectious energy.

"But what if I get a mission~" She teased. He raised an eyebrow at her, doubting that it would happen.

"Well then I'll kidnap you so your crow can't find you." Y/N let out a small chuckle at those words, telling him that she would finish getting ready and then she would help them out.

The sun was as bright as ever today, painting everyone in good spirits. Apart from Shinjuro that was. But he didn't even have time to be his usual grouchy self, as his family would be arriving at literally any moment now and he had to make sure his home looked okay..."Our family likes to snoop."  She smiled at that memory from earlier this morning, the idea funny at first. But then it also made her nervous, they would definitely ask who she was. But would they ask more difficult questions? Y/N moved onto her toes in an attempt to dust the highest surfaces, but it was tough to reach.

"Here." She froze as the rag was taken from her hands, looking to the source of the gruff voice. Shinjuro had helped her reach the highest points, knowing there was no way she'd reach them otherwise. Although he didn't seem to hate her on this particular day, she was still on edge as he handed the rag back to her. "Uh...Thank you for helping..." He wasn't very good at gratitude. Y/N picked that up instantly. If it wasn't the hesitation to say it that gave it away, it would have been the way he looked at her. He said thank you like it was a threat.

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