Chapter 9 - Therapy

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A/N: I was lucky with how much time I had, so I made a wholesome chapter to make up for the short one. I hope you enjoy it!


"I see..." While y/n discussed with the medical team of the butterfly mansion about her issues she wondered if they would actually be able to help. There were no physical injuries, but since her last mission she had been left with a lingering feeling of numbness and sadness over her mother. Senjuro had recommended that maybe mental health support was also offered in the butterfly mansion, it made sense that it would. Most people became demon slayers as a result of something tragic, they may need this support. However Senjuro had never tried talking to them about his own struggles, so he couldn't know for sure. Y/N chose to test his theory, and while it seemed like they did offer the support, she didn't like what she heard.

"Maybe you should go back?" The medic suggested. "Closure can really help you with moving on and it would definitely benefit you in the long run."

"Why would I go back? The place is in ruins..."

"It doesn't need to be in good shape for you to come to terms with it. It will haunt you forever if you don't even try." Y/N sighed. It wasn't like she disagreed with the person in front of her, it was more so that she feared going back. Emotions had built up, she wasn't sure if she was prepared to view the thing that would ultimately break her. It was a long trip too...

"Thank you for your help." She admitted, while it wasn't what she wanted to hear it was still assistance.

As she left the mansion she took a steady walk along the path, looking at the scenery around her as she did. Colourful plants accompanied by beautiful butterflies fluttered around her as animals ran around in trees, birds flying back and forth. This was such an amazing mansion to look at, she could tell the hashira who lived here deeply cared about the creatures near her home. Home. This one was so beautiful, but y/n's got consumed by demons. She was the lone survivor, she wasn't even sure if a single building still stood. Her hometown had met a bitter, pathetic end and even the thought of it stung. Going back was too painful, at least right now. By the nearby river she kneeled, watching the koi fish go about their day. She needed to go back one day, she knew that. She just wasn't ready.

"Senjuro told me you would be here." The smooth voice she had become familiar with over the past months or so spoke from behind her. She turned to look at the flame hashira, his confidence and constant smile contagious. Even with her emotional struggle, after seeing him, she couldn't help but smile. Her gaze met the shining water once again, obviously downcast even with the smile she couldn't control. "He said you went to the butterfly mansion to get help, are you injured?" He moved to kneel next to her, watching her body for any sign of pain.

"No, it wasn't that, it's just..." Y/N didn't know if she should tell him. He was definitely busy after all, she had noticed that the hashira of the demon slayer corps didn't really have much time to spare. H/C strands of hair fell over her face, hiding her inner emotional battle from his view. Surely the flame hashira had a lot to do, he was probably stressed with his own things to worry about. She couldn't burden him with more. Meanwhile he couldn't help but stare, the woman before him was so interesting once again. When they were kids and he found her, he was so curious to learn about her. The next day he had gone back to the same place with his mother, wanting his mother to meet her. He remembered how distraught he was when his father explained that she had gone back home.

"You can tell me." He urged. He couldn't understand why, but he wanted to know everything there was to know about y/n. He suddenly felt like a child again as he watched the person next to him, she could have been his friend. He wanted her to be his friend back then, as she was so unique.

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