Chapter 31 - Silver is a Colour

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A/N: This was yet another awkward chapter for me to write, but I think it turned out well?


"Should we tell Kyojuro?" Mitsuri spoke, her voice soft and sorrowful. The death of the two young slayers reached the corps by crow, and because it was about y/n, the closest people to her would learn. But that being said, Kyojuro's crow was hesitant to share the information and so remained next to the hashira.

"When I told him about the news of y/n being a demon he didn't handle it well at all..." Tengen spoke, deep in thought. While he was busy chasing down demons in the entertainment district, he still made time to help out his best friend. Kyojuro was basically mourning, they all knew that demons weren't the same people they used to be. "The news that she consciously killed some of our members...I honestly think that would destroy him."

"Tell him. Getting caught up over one slayer only makes him weak. He's strong, but not if he lets one incapable person stop him from continuing his job." This was one of the few occasions where Obanai was here with them, as he barely got along with anyone. He wanted to spend time with Mitsuri, that was all. But he was a hashira too, his input would be valued even it wasn't in his colleague's best interest.

"Oh but he has so much love for her. I could only hope that a man would do what they can to get me back like Kyojuro does for y/n!"  Next to her, Obanai looked away. He didn't want to admit it, but if Mitsuri were the demon instead of y/n, he'd handle it nowhere near as well as the respected flame hashira.

"But he is right. Kyojuro deserves to know, if he goes after her he needs to at least be aware how far gone she is..." The sound hashira frowned, closing his fuschia coloured eyes in sadness. Mitsuri's eyes watered slightly as she turned to the crows, focusing on the one belonging to her former teacher.

"I will tell him." She nominated herself, noticing how even the crows were uncomfortable with the idea. No one wanted to break his heart...Again...

"Are you sure?" The colleagues looked to her with worry. Out of them all, she was the most emotional. It made her the best but also the worst for this situation...She gave a reassuring nod, standing and making her way towards the Rengoku household.

Kyojuro and Senjuro sparred together, their father watching over them with a proud smile as he gave pointers. Of course, the flame hashira was intentionally holding back as his full strength was too much for his little brother. That being said however, Senjuro had gotten better, way better thanks to the help of his father. He had a long way to go still, but he was still doing amazingly well. They were both stronger than ever before, thanks to having a proper teacher rather than having to reference only books.

It was inevitable that Senjuro would lose, but he was never sore about it. Especially now as he was getting stronger. As a team of three, they worked together to work around what Senjuro found difficult. Of course, he didn't fully abandon his work at the butterfly mansion, so there was a balance between both tasks. He hoped that soon, maybe his sword would change colour. With a little bit more advice, they all stopped to eat with smiles. Heading back into the home.

"Kyojuro! Senjuro!" Mitsuri ran to them, waving with a wide smile. Seeing her brought smiles to their faces too. It was worth mentioning that Kyojuro's smiles had never been as bright as they used to be. He'd smile out of politeness and the base happiness needed to make people feel welcome, but inside he wasn't happy. He never would be until he found y/n.

He couldn't wait to see her and not as a demon like Tengen had told him. Of course, he knew the sound hashira would never lie about something like that. He could only hope that his best friend had understood it wrong, that had to be the case. Right? Together they all ate, happily enjoying the meals before them. Mitsuri had cried of happiness multiple times over the strengthening family. The intense emotion was a bit much for the previous flame hashira, but he learned to understand that the young girl meant well.

My Brightest Flame (Rengoku X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя