Chapter 19 - The Brainwashed Town

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A/N: Hope you are all doing good! I'm in a good mood so hopefully that helps me make a great chapter!


The sun was midway through setting when y/n reached her mission's location. It was a small town far away from any city, fully thriving on its local farmers. Some people had done some late evening shopping and families wandered through the small cobblestone streets, the children staring at her as the parents judged her unusual outfit. Her sword was out of sight as she looked through the town, learning the layout. It was too early still for a demon to be out, and there would be none until the sun had completely disappeared. Despite the judgemental looks all over the place, she felt a warm fuzzy feeling blossom in her chest. This small town almost felt like her own, back in her country. At least, it would be if her town never had to deal with demons. The area was so peaceful that she almost doubted that this was the correct town for her mission. But she had to trust the details of her crow, something had to have been up.

"Families have been going missing." Whole families suddenly being non existent, yet not one person here seemed to be the slightest bit upset. Was nothing wrong? A small homemade restaurant was open with candles lit on every table, she decided to find out more with some questioning as she was led to a table.

Apparently it was one of the busier days for this restaurant, as she was led to a lonely table in the corner. As she waited to be served she stared at the handwritten menu, searching for what took her interest. Without really choosing anything the tiny flame of the candle on her table stole her attention. It flickered against the gentle breeze, a longing smile on her face as she watched it burn. It reminded her of Kyojuro, although its flame was nowhere near as light. But still, it convinced her to relive her memories with the hashira, from being a child and getting a necklace from him, exploring Japan for the first time. All the way to their recent sparring, and time at the restaurant. It made her heart soar and she felt butterflies in her stomach at the thoughts, she sometimes still couldn't believe they kissed...

Instinctively Y/N reached for the pendant of her necklace, only to realise she had left it behind. She had done so thinking it would be safer there, as demons she had come across were always frequently fascinated with the blue gemstones. It was safer stored away.

Then the light went out, as the candle burned out to the end of its life. Somehow, even with it just being an object, having it burn out made her sad...why did it make her sad?

"Hello, what would you like to eat today?" The waitress asked with a sweet smile. Y/N placed her order in turn with a thank you. "Oh, your candle is out. Let me replace that for you..." Her voice was soft as she went to grab the old candle.

"Could I also ask about the recent missing people in this town?" Her question caught the waitress off-guard, causing her to accidentally spill a little of the melted wax on herself. She let out a small yelp and dropped it back onto the table, rubbing off the wax and placing the burnt finger to her mouth as she dealt with the pain. "I'm sorry." Y/N spoke, concern laced her voice as she looked at the girl.

"It's fine, I'm just clumsy is all." She giggled, placing her hand to her side as if it was nothing. But y/n could tell by the way she rubbed the injured finger against her side, that it wasn't fine. "People have been going missing. The town is too small for so many families, we just assumed they leave on their own."

"Without telling anyone?" The waitress didn't respond to the question, giving her an awkward smile. She knew more than she was letting on.

"I should go replace this candle. Your food will be with you soon." She grabbed the candle with a hurry and left to the bar in the opposite corner. There y/n observed as the woman whispered something to an older man, both looking her way with less friendly expressions. She shivered as she sat back, suddenly on edge. It was dark now, the sun gone completely...There was still no sign of a demon. Something was definitely off however.

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