Chapter 4 - Repair

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A/N: This chapter is slightly shorter, but I hope you like it regardless!


"Is your sword still not changing colour?" The flame hashira grinned widely as he stared down at his little brother, who attempted yet again to pick up his own sword. The tone still remained silver. The boy let out a sigh, he just wasn't cut out for it. "You'll get there!" He exclaimed, enthusiastic as always. It had been a a whole week since y/n had ran off to Final Selection without telling anyone. She wasn't well enough to but it didn't stop her. He was worried for her health, but he couldn't help but admire her will. The bravery to face demons even when she knew her body couldn't handle it was impressive to him.

"Brother?" His fire eyes met his younger brother's in a soft gaze. The young boy looked shy as he held his silver sword, staring at his reflection in it. He thought carefully about his next words, anxious to say them. He feared his brother's opinion, even though he knew the elder of the two would most likely be supportive of him. It was just difficult for him, as he knew what he planned on doing seemed very unusual. Kyojuro noticed this and crouched, a soft, encouraging smile covering his face.

"What is it Senjuro?" He did his best to lower his voice, and to take on a calmer tone. "You can tell me."

"I-I have been thinking of training to help demon slayers in another way." He started, fearing his own words with each one he spoke. "Like, helping by working in the butterfly mansion, using medicine..." He was scared to look away from the reflection in the silver sword. The unchanging colour a reminder of what he should have been, but what he could never achieve. He just wasn't good enough. He didn't know why. It hurt. It hurt him that he couldn't live up to the expectations of his family, the expectations that have been maintained for years. How would his family react? His father, well, he was consumed with depression, anger and alcohol. He expected the insults and verbal abuse from such a cruel, sad parent. His brother, the person he looked up to over anyone else, his opinion was the one that scared him. So when he finally gained the courage to peer up at his brother, his eyes widened in shock when he was met with a bright, wide grin.

"Senjuro, that sounds like an amazing idea!" He laughed out, his heart felt proud. Proud that his little brother hadn't let his colourless sword alter his drive. Working within medicine was an admirable thing, and he was sure that his younger brother would excel in it.

"You're not mad?" Senjuro's voice came out soft, eyes watering as he looked to his older brother. It made him emotional to think that if his brother had the same mindset as his father, then he'd be kicked out for sure. Of course he knew it was unlikely for that to happen, but it was always haunting his mind.

"Of course I'm not mad!" He spoke with joy. "I'm proud of you for taking the next step and trying to find your place in the world!" His eyes closed as happiness covered him like a blanket. Senjuro smiled softly, happy for his brother's support in everything he did, despite what it would mean for their family.

"It doesn't matter if you won't be a demon slayer Senjuro, what matters is that you are happy!" He grinned wide. "If you're happy then I am happy." When Senjuro's smile faded, his older brother became worried.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that...It has been a week..." Senjuro muttered. Now that the stress of telling Kyojuro his plan for his own future was gone, his mind allowed him to worry about other things. "Do you think y/n made it?"

"I doubt it." Kyojuro's tone lowered, showing his unhappiness at the idea too. "As much as I admired her will to fight and join us, she was in no condition to be able to make it. There are very low chances of her coming back..."

Kyojuro looked off to the trees passing their training yard. Their colour a beautiful green glow as the sun cast itself over them reminded him of a peaceful forest that he would regularly visit when working on his stamina. But now, he was so fast that the forest only became a blur. He was too busy for a light job either, it was a beautiful forest however. When that thought ended however, he felt the ache in his heart. The idea of that forest was an attempt at a distraction. He didn't want to think about the death of the friend he had made so long ago, even if he didn't really know her that well. He hoped their friendship could have grown, but that small chance wasn't likely to occur.

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