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[Luca POV]

I stopped finally when my stomach was empty and I couldn't puke anymore. My throat really hurt... I shakily stood up, flushed the toilet, and I scrubbed my hands clean multiple times. I also brushed my teeth for almost 8 minites straight. I heard the front door open in the middle of using mouth wash, so I swished it a couple more times before spitting it out and going to find Jacob.
"Baby," He mumbled when he saw me, leaning down and kissing my forehead.
"Hi, hi," I answered back, letting him pull me into a hug.
"Did you eat?" Daddy asked, making me pause for a minute. I don't wanna lie, but I did technically eat. I just shrugged and hoped he'd leave it alone, but he didn't. And I really don't blame him.
"We've talked about when you shrug at me. I don't know what you mean," He reminded me.

"I did..." I quietly answered, deciding that if I just didn't bring it up, it would be completely fine and wasn't lying.
"Are you sure?" He asked, making me doubt myself for a second.
"Yeah," I quietly answered. Jacob didn't push it anymore, but he definitely didn't entirely believe me.
"My dad's doing the funeral next week, and he says I have to go. So could you drive me...?" I asked, changing subjects.
"Baby, you don't have to go if you don't want to," He told me, pushing my hair out of my face.
"I mean... He really wants me to, so I feel like if I go, it'll avoid causing a problem," I said, biting on my fingers.
"If you wanna go, I can take you," Jacob sighed, rubbing his eyes. I quickly hugged him, letting him kiss my head for a second.
"Alright, go get socks on," He told me, patting my butt.
"Why?" I asked, slightly pulling away so I could go get them in a minute.
"We're gonna go see one of my friends, Carter. They watch little babies, like you," He told me. I went and quickly put my socks and shoes on, following him out to the truck and shivering the whole ride.

"Come on," Jakey prompted me after he stopped the truck. He undid my seat belt for me and unlocked the doors before getting out. I hopped onto the gravel driveway and shut my door hard, running over to Jakey so I could complain how cold it was.
" 'm freezin'..." I whined as we walked up to the front door.
"I know, Baby. You can get warmed up in a minute, " He reassured me as he rang the doorbell. I was fidgeting the whole time we waited for the door to open, but when it did, I was grateful for the warmth. I followed Jakey to the man's living room, sitting down on the couch next to him and kicking my feet.

I didn't listen to what they talked about. I was too busy chewing on Jakey's hoodie to pay attention right now. I looked up finally to get a decent look at his friend. Carter was pale with very, very dark hair that was kept neat. His features were all bold. Nothing about him looked soft or sweet, but I told myself it's not fair to judge people without even talking to them.
"What's your name?" He asked me, catching me a little off guard.
"Luca..." I quietly answered, pausing for a second to process his question. Okay, maybe I was falling into my regression. But, I couldn't help it. Being put on the spot makes me really anxious.

"What do you like to do?" He asked, making me look at Dady.
"Bite..." I timidly whispered, making him laugh a little.
"Is that it?" Carter asked with a small smile as I scooted closer to Dady.
"He likes playing with cars. He likes stuffies, he likes coloring, and he loves playing outside. He's just a little shy," Dady said for me, rubbing my back.
"Aw, that's okay," He said, looking over at me for a second before looking back at Dady.

Carter and him talked for forever, and I started kinda tuning it out at the end. I rested against Dady's shoulder and started teething, trying to be gentle.
"Don't bite me right now," He softly directed me, so I pouted and quit. I was getting really bored, and I was also starting to fall asleep. I held onto Dady's hand and messed with his fingers for a while.
"How old is he when he's little?" Carter asked as I started listening again.
"Normally, about 2 or 3. But sometimes, he's smaller," Dady answered. I honestly started worrying about Leo. He's home alone, and it's cold. I didn't even get to tell him night-night since I didn't think we'd be gone long. I don't want him mad at me.
"What's your schedule again? Like, what days do you work normally?" He kept asking. I kicked my feet and listened to my Dady say he's off normally Tuesdays and Thrusdays, but it gets changed around a lot.

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