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Luca POV

I wasn't in a good mood when Dady woke me up. He gently shook me again, making me glare at him for a bit.
"If you want a kiss before I leave you're gonna have to get up." He said, making me reluctantly sit up.
"Kiss..?" I quietly asked, reaching up for him.
"Aw come here, Bubba." He said, picking me up and kissing my lips.
"I work today, and Jacobs gonna be with you all day. Mkay?" Dady said, bringing me into the living room. I nodded a bit and laid on his chest. I didn't really get what he said I guess because when he actually had to leave it was a shock.

"Say bye bye. Dadys gonna go to work." Jacob said, taking me from him. I pouted and whined, reaching for Dady.
"Babes, I gotta go to work." He said, picked up his keys.
"Dady.." I whined, pouting.
"Mm.. bye bye.." I quietly said, laying on Jacob. He's gotta go either way, so it's useless for me to be whiney. But I still want him to stay home.
"I love you, Hun. Bye bye." He said, kissing my cheek and shoving his keys in his pocket before walking out of the door.

The day didn't get much better as it went on. I was clingy and Jacob wasn't, I was grumpy and I could tell Jacob was getting upset with me, and I missed Dady a whole lot.
"Dady.." I quietly whined, sniffling. Jacob was trying to make dinner and I wasn't exactly helping.
"Babe, he's got another half an hour. I can't make him get here any faster." He tried to explain again, closing the door to the oven. I bit my lip to keep from crying and slouched in my chair. I don't even know why I wanna cry, and I don't think Jacob did either.
"What is up with you today? You're so.. easy to upset today." He sighed, looking at me and resting against the counter. Well, now I really don't wanna cry in front of him..

"I-I wan Dady..." I whispered, looking up at him. He huffed and covered his face. Now I made him mad..
"M sorry.." I mumbled, sliding out of my chair and walking up to Jacob. I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his chest.
"Please don't hug me right now." He asked, pushing me away from him. Does he not like me anymore..? I let him and nodded quietly, looking away and trying not to cry.

Jacob POV

I gently pushed him away, needing some space. I'm getting overwhelmed and I can't with him being up on me right now. I glanced down at him and saw his face fall a little and his lip start to shake. He just nodded a little for a second before looking up at me for a split second, walking into his bedroom soon after. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I'm sure he'll be devastated I didn't want his affection, but I really can't with that.  I only picked up my head when I heard the door unlock and open. It was Kayden, home early. He sat down the stuff from his pockets onto the counter next to me before glancing around, confused.
"Where's Luca at?" He asked as he unzipped his jacket. I shrugged before mumbling about how he's in their room.
"Are you good? You seem kinda detached." Kayden asked.
"I mean, yeah but all day was Luca whining and kind of being a brat. Like, I know he missed you and all but it was just alot of him whining about it." I tried to explain, hoping Kayden understood I wasn't taking digs at his boyfriend.

"I know what you mean, he can get grumpy. Well, you let me know if you think your up to watching him tommorow, if not one of my friends are off work tommorow and I can bring him over there." He offered, making me nod.
"Yeah, I just think I need to really de-stress from Leah before I watch Luca again." I mumbled before getting a clap on the back.
"Mkay, you do what you need. I'll take care of it." Kayden reassured me before walking after where Luca went.

Kayden POV

As I walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind me, I was met with my baby laying in bed and quietly crying.
"Aw, babe.." I quietly mumbled, making his quickly wipe his eyes and sit up.
"Come here, it's okay baby." I soothed him, sitting down on the bed next to him. He quickly climbed into my lap and did his best to not cry anymore.
"You don't have to do that, Hun. Dady doesn't mind you crying." I whispered, scratching his head. It only took a few second for him to completley fall apart again.
"There you go.. I love you baby." I continued on until he self-soothed enough to stop crying.
"Do Jacob hate me..." He quickly asked, swallowing the rest of his tears.
"Oh babe... Of course not. He just needed a minute without lovies." I reassured him, kissing his face.
"Dady hasn't gotten your lovies yet though." I teased him, smiling at him. He giggled and sat up on his knees, kissing my nose and lips over and over.

"Thank you, Bubba! Dady loves your kisses and cuddles." I said, beginnig to scratch his back. He smiled and began gently babbling at me, holding onto my shirt.
"Have you eaten, Babe?" I asked, remembering that I most likely got home before he ate dinner. He kinda shook his head but didn't seem too thrilled about dinner.
"Do you wanna eat or do you want an Ensure?" I asked. Normally, I would prefer for him to have both but right now I'm not gonna push it.
"E-eat it.." He mumbled, frowning a little.
"Thank you, Baby. I know it must be hard to really start eating again." I praised him, standing up with him in my arms. I carried him into the kitchen, Jacob still near the stove.
"I made dinner. Just by the way." He said, gesturing over to the top of the stove. There was a sheet pan sitting on the stovetop with baked chicken.

"Oh, thanks. I could've made something, you didn't have to-" I started, shifting Luca over to my other arm.
"I was already making it before you got home, it's not too big of a deal. But, I'll probably eat later. I should probably go fix up the room a little more." He said, turning the stove off and walking out to the hallway. I saw Luca's lip start to shake as I sat him down at grabbed a plate.
"What's up, Babe?" I asked, making his plate.
"Does Jacob hate me..?" He whispered. I sighed and sat his plate in front of him with a fork, watching him try not to cry.
"No, he loves you still I promise." I reassured him, grabbing another plate and getting myself dinner.
"Mtay.." He quietly mumbled, wiping his nose. I put my plate next to him and sat down, watching him pick at his food.

By the time I was done, Luca had only taken a couple bites and it was definetley cold now. Almost the whole time we were sitting here, he was silently crying and trying not to make me notice but he wasn't doing the best job.
"Are you done with it?" I asked, reaching over and rubbing his shoulder. He nodded a little and rubbed his eyes once more before looking up at me. Around his eyes and nose were blotched with pink and tears stained his cheeks.
"Aw, Babe.." I whispered.
"Yknow, even when you cry your look absolutely perfect." I said, smiling a little. I'm being 100% serious, he's still the cutest thing ever. No matter what.
"No I dont..." He whispered.
"Come here." I mumbled, pulling him into my lap.
"You are the most handsome, amazing, loving, smart, compassionate, caring, perfect little boy I've ever known. Let alone dated." I praised him, making his cheeks flush a little pink.

"Since you didn't really eat dinner, you gotta drink an Ensure, Babe." I swapped subjects, kissing his forhead and setting him down.
"Dada.." He whined, slumping back in his chair.
"I know, I know. But you need to get some type of calories in you." I said, opening the cabinet and grabbing one from the previously opened pack. I opened it for him and sat it down. He glanced up at me and reluctantly took it, starting to drink it. I picked up both our plates, putting what he didn't eat in the trash. I know it's a waste and I don't like it, but no one else is gonna eat it. I quickly washed our plates, setting them in the draining rack. By the time I was done, Luca had downed the contents of the bottle and was looking at me kinda grossed out.
"Thank you, Babe. I'm sure it was gross." I thanked him, scratching his head. He only pouted as I took the bottle and tossed it into the trash.

"But, you've got an appoitment tommorow. Okay? Don't let me forget, please. Wake Jacob up if you need to cause you can't miss that appoitment." I told him, making sure he heard and understood me. He nodded and reached up for me, making me smile.
"Its at 1, okay?" I reminded him, picking him up.
"Mkays." He mumbled, laying his head on me.
"Aww are you sleepy?" I asked, walking into the bedroom and turning off he lights. He nodded, sniffling and rubbing his face. I guess I should get him to bed.

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