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[Jacob POV]

When I got our stuff from Kayden's house, he was mad at me for bringing Spade and Chris. But he didn't say anything, he just gave me a dirty look. I just ignored him and kept carrying stuff out to my truck in boxes. When we were done, I said a very brief bye to Kayden and got in the truck with Spade sitting next to me. I just have to get Luca and go home. I picked him up and drove home, not in the mood to do anything else. But, Luca rid and Spade had to go to bed early cause he worked tomorrow and I didn't.
"Papa! I gotta bite!" Luca whined as I unfolded the boxes to see what was in them. I didn't bother to label them since I wasn't dying to stay there any longer than I had to. I remember getting his teether and sippy cup at least, I could've grabbed his other little stuff too.
"Babes, I know, I'm looking," I tried to calm him, continuing to search. I found a box that had his clothes in it, so I went ahead and looked through it. He whined and sat down next to me, just pouting. I don't think he's in a good mood anymore and I don't know why. He reached for my hand, but if he needs his teether I need both hands to look for it.

"Luca, I need both hands to look for it," I told him, losing my patience. I know he's not thinking like a grown-up but Jesus it gets annoying. He didn't listen and scooted closer to me, gently biting my arm.
"Luca, quit! Please!" I exclaimed, pulling my arms away. It's not all his fault, being at Kayden's had stressed me out but he was overwhelming me. He stopped and his body started shaking as if he was about to cry. But that wasn't my top priority. I heard him quietly start. I really need him to give me a break, even just for a couple of minutes.
"M sorry..." He whispered, getting up and grabbing Jupiter before going to find Spade. Most likely.

[Spade POV]

I was just watching Extreme Couponers when Luca hurried into the living room, stopping in the doorway and waiting for me to say something.
"You need somethin', Baby?" I asked, setting my phone on the coffee table. He shook his head but sniffled and walked over to the couch. He sat on the opposite side, leaving the middle seat empty. He rubbed his eyes and quietly watched the TV.
"You want cuddles?" I asked, getting a strong nod before he climbed into my lap.
"Do you wanna talk bout it?" I asked. He shrugged and rested his head on my chest.
"That's okay," I mumbled, rubbing his back. I let him lay on me for about 28 minutes until he moved his head away from me and got up, stumbling a tiny bit. I think he was having a good nap.

I didn't really pay attention to what was happening until I heard glass shatter and he start crying hard. I quickly stood up and headed to the kitchen where I heard the glass break. A cup was broken on the floor in front of the cabinet and he was sitting on the floor, crying.
"What happened?" I asked, grabbing a broom.
"M sorry!" He cried. Then I noticed the blood running down the bottom of his foot.
"Shit," I mumbled. I quickly swept the glass away from him before picking him up. I sighed and carried him over to the bathroom, setting him on the sink.
"Let me see it, Babe," I gently told him as I turned on my phone's flashlight. He let tears run down his face as I tried to look if there was still glass in his foot. And of course, there was.
"There's a piece stuck, I have to take it out," I told him, getting into the cabinet behind him and finding tweezers. I wiped them off and crouched down, starting to dig it out.

"Ow..." He softly cried, trying to keep from shaking.
"There we fucking go," I said, finally digging the piece out and tossing it in the trash can. He whimpered as I wiped off the blood.
"Papa...? I want Papa," He quietly requested as I wrapped it up in some gauze.
"Hold on," I told him as I taped it quickly.
"How about we go find him?" I suggested, remembering I don't know what Jacob was doing. Lukie nodded and sniffled.
"Papa was mad at me," He whispered. I'm not trying to say Jacob can't be mean sometimes, but I don't think he'd hurt Luca's feelings on purpose. I didn't respond and carried him to where they were sleeping at.
"Jacobbbb! I have your boyfriend," I shouted, knocking on the door. A couple of seconds later he opened it and reluctantly took Luca from my arms. He seems upset but I don't know why, and if it's between them they need to work it out on their own.

[Jacob POV]

I let Luca go find Spade and he was gone for however long. I wasn't keeping track if I'm being honest.
"What happened to your foot?" I asked, noticing it was wrapped.
"I accidentally cut it," He mumbled. I hummed and set him on the bed before flopping down next to him, face down so the light wasn't in my eyes. I heard Luca try and entertain himself by making noises as far as I could tell. I didn't mind until he started getting a little loud. Normally it wouldn't be a problem, but I can't stand anything right now.
"Luca, please be quiet..." I asked my head still against the bed.
"Papa I can't help it, I'm bored," He quietly whined.
"Then be bored somewhere else," I told him as I finally lifted my head from the sheets.
"Mtay..." He whispered, laying down and getting under the covers. Should I have felt bad for that? Yeah, but I couldn't really process any emotion right now.

[Luca POV]

Papa was acting like he didn't care about me and I can't figure out why. Maybe I'm just stupid and it's easy to figure out, but that doesn't change the fact I don't know. I really was trying to be quiet for him, but I guess I just don't know how. I'm not good at anything, even when it's just making someone happy. Even when it's my boyfriend and cg. I ran my hand over my other arm and tried to be silent. But I guess I wasn't, even though I didn't know, cause Papa got onto me again.
"Luca I said quit, please." He told me. Even though he said please, he sounded really upset at me.
"I don't know how! I can't!" I tried to tell him, but he didn't listen. He groaned and got up, walking out of the bedroom and shutting the door behind him. I started to mess with my top lip, the scab was gone but I could feel where it was. Shivers ran down my spine like how they always do when I get sad. I don't even have Jupiter, but nobody wants me unless I'm with Papa. Spade wouldn't have ever spoken to me if we were personal friends, he only does cause I'm dating his friend. I shouldn't be here... I don't deserve it. I deserve to be hit, maybe then I wouldn't feel so guilty about being a bad person.

Maybe I should just go back to Kayden and let Jacob move on. He'd find someone a million times better than me. I picked up my phone and thought about it. Maybe I should just go with my momma, but she was pissed last time so maybe not. Kayden misses me, I know, so he wouldn't bitch about me coming back. Just about what I do when I'm there if that makes sense. Plus I'd actually be useful then. I don't do anything for anyone unless it's my partner, so I'd have to be with someone to be useful and Jacob's mad at me. I don't know what he's gonna do next. Then I heard Spade's and Jacob's voices. Then the front door shut too. I'm probably on my own again.

After a few minutes, I drug myself out of bed and took a quick look around the house. They were both gone and when I looked out the window Spade's car was gone. I slipped on my sneakers and grabbed my wallet and phone. I don't know how long I laid down, but it must've been a couple of minutes at least. I hate being all by myself, I can't stand it. I'd rather have my mom back than be by myself, but maybe that's just me. I thought about walking into town for a few seconds but ultimately decided not to. I just laid down on the sidewalk leading up to the front door. I think I could get struck by lightning right now and not mind at all.

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