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[Luca POV]
By the time Spade got to the hospital and parked relatively close to the door, I hadn't calmed down. But I think that's expected. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and hopped out and hurried up to the door, waiting for Spade to catch up. I grabbed his hand and walked to the front desk, trying to patiently wait for the receptionist to acknowledge me.
"How can I help you?" She eventually asked.
"Hi, I was called as an emergency contact and they told me to come up here," I told her, resting my arms on the desk.
"And who are you the emergency contact for?" She asked.
"Kayden John James," I informed her.
"What's your name?" She continued. I gave her my entire name, middle one too, and handed her my ID.
"Yes, he's in 325. But, I'll have to give him a visitor's pass since he's not the emergency contact," She explained as she handed it back. I quickly told her that was just fine but thought about what that would mean for me. I'm sure he'll have to leave after visiting hours are over so that leaves me and Kayden alone for many hours. Probably however long he's in the hospital.

"Alrighty, room 325 is on the third floor and it's down the hall a little ways. You can always ask a nurse if you need help," She told us, handing Spade a necklace with a badge ID that said '[Visitor] Room: 325' He put it on and followed me as I found an elevator. I found one and called it. I waited for a few seconds before it opened and we both got in with a man and a woman on the left side of it. I pressed the third flood and awkwardly waited for it to get to the one we selected. It got there after a little while and I got off, assuming Spade was following. I took a little bit of sign reading, but we found it and I peeked in. Kayden was laying there on his phone, scrolling through something. I glanced at Spade standing next to me before walking in.
"Knock knock," I said as I entered, tapping my knuckles on the doorway. He looked up as I walked in, standing uncomfortably next to one of the lounge chairs.

"Oh, I didn't know you were my emergency contact," He mumbled, glancing at me and then going back to his phone.
"Yeah, I didn't either 'til they called me," I agreed, sitting down in the chair I happened to be in front of. Spade plopped down on the other one and dug out his phone.
"Where's Jacob?" He asked without looking at me.
"H-he's working right now," I answered. I'm starting to shake again. I don't want to remember how I did last night but considering I'm within 5 feet of Kayden, I don't think it'll be the best time.
"What happened to get you stuck here?" Spade asked, making me turn to give him a 'what-the-hell-you-can't-ask-that' look.
"Overdosed on Advil," He briefly explained, flashing the EKG stickers on his chest at us.

I ended up on Tik Tok at some point and I had fallen down a rabbit hole of 'stim boards'. It's like ASMR but not people sounds if that makes sense. I don't know how to feel about it. Since it's not mouth noises I like it better but I still don't love the noises it makes. I noticed a nurse walk in so I turned off my phone and waited in case he needed me for something.
"Your vitals look fine, but visiting hours are over in 5 minutes," He told us.
"Alright, I'll head out," Spade said, standing up. The nurse left and I figured she had other checks to do.
"If you need one of us, call. Okay?" Spade reminded me, giving me a quick hug.
"I will," I assured him.
"I'll see you later, Kayden," He said, reluctantly pulling away and leaving. I tried not to acknowledge how awkward it was between me and Kayden. Though I don't think he noticed cause he started a conversation with me.

"How's Jacob?" He asked.
"He's okay," I briefly answered. But he didn't stop, he continued to try and converse with me.
"What have you been up to?"
"You staying with Spade?"
"Did you guys leave anything at my place?"
"Do you still have my number?" They all sounded innocent enough but they made me uncomfortable. Almost like there was an underlying reason he was asking. I answered them regardless. But his comments quickly changed in nature.
"I can see your boxers," He commented.
"Oh, I slept in them and didn't have time to change my shorts," I explained.
"Did you guys fuck last night?" He bluntly asked.
"Um..." I said, somewhat stunned, "No, I just slept in this,"
"Have you guys had sex?"
"Why is that important...?" I quietly asked back. I don't want to answer this stuff.
"Just wondering," He shrugged but I'm pretty sure he was getting a boner. He covered his face with his arm and relaxed. I quietly pulled out my phone to text Jacob. I hate this so much.

'He's being weird, like asking if we've had sex' -Lukie
'Couldn't you leave? I don't think you have to stay there,'- Jacob :)
'Idk' -Lukie
'Ask a nurse there' -Jacob :)

I considered it for a second. I don't like being here with him but I don't want to leave him on his own. But I think I should, I have to consider more than just me. There's Jacob too and I hate the idea of making him anxious. I stood up and quietly walked out to the front desk to ask the nurse a question. But I don't like going out of my way to be a pain for them.
"What can I do for ya, Hun?" She asked.
"Um, as an emergency contact do I have to stay here? Like could I take myself off that?" I awkwardly asked. I don't know how to word it that well.
"Course, you'd just have to sign some papers," She told me, lifting a huge weight from my chest.
"Could I have those to sign please?" I quietly asked. She nodded and dug around in a file for a second and pulled out a couple of papers. I counted them and there were only three.
"Thank you so much," I quickly thanked her as she handed me a pen. I walked back into the room Kayden was in and sat down on the chair. I texted Jacob about picking me up since he's off work now. Jacob said he would and how he'd text me when he got here.

I quickly filled in the forms with my information and signed them every so often. I waited for the text and when I got it, I handed the papers over to the nurse.
"Thank you, Hun. Just let me look over these," She said. I let her and awkwardly stood at the desk until she said I was all set to leave.
"Just back down to the first floor and through the lobby," She instructed me.
"Thank you so so much," I said, double-checking I had everything in my pockets before leaving. When I got to the lobby, I had to make the conscious choice to walk normally. I stepped out to the parking lot and instantly spotted Jacob's truck, still turned on. I ran over to his passenger door and opened it, careful not to hit the car next to it with the door.
"Hey, Babe. Are you okay?" He asked as I shut the door.
"Y-yeah, he just creeps me out," I told him. I quickly strapped myself in as Jacob pulled out of the parking lot.

We got home at 9:27, I remember cause I checked the time on Jacob's radio right before I got out.
"Come here, Baby," He said, grinning as he pulled me into the bedroom. We just got home and Spade was in his bedroom, I'm pretty sure he was sleeping already.
"He doesn't get you, I do," He mumbled as he pushed me down to the bed. I giggled and pulled him into a passionate kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He grinded his bulge against mine, making me gasp and break the kiss.
"I get you all to myself," He said, starting to kiss my neck.
"F-fuck- You're gonna mark me up," I quietly moaned. I liked it, but I didn't expect it was all. I let him give me all those hickeys as he unbuttoned his jeans. I helped him pull down my shorts and boxers after he did his own.

I let him have sex with me. I wanted it too, don't get me wrong I really wanted to. But it got super intense at some point, which I guess makes sense since it was multiple rounds, and after I suddenly felt upset. I don't know why.
"Baby, what's wrong...?" Jacob asked, spooning me where my face was against his chest.
"I don't know. I just got sad," I tried to explain.
"Oh, Babe, maybe it's a sub drop?" He suggested. I shrugged but didn't know what it meant.
"Do you know what that is?" Jacob quietly asked. I shook my head a little and tried not to be hurt that I didn't know what it was. I know it doesn't make me stupid but I don't like the feeling it gives me.
"It's when you get super sad after sex that gets really intense. Cause of the endorphins you released during it, the change between the really high happy feeling to the regular one is so different that it makes you sad. Does that make some sense?" He clarified. I nodded a little because it did to me.

Simplified it's where when you had a really freaky session, you released endorphins or feel-good hormones and so when those go away it feels worse than you normally do.
"You look so pretty," He commented, making me smile a little bit. I know he's just trying to cheer me up but I still like when he does it.
"Can you look at me? You have the prettiest smile and I wanna see it," He asked. I looked up at him and smiled a little, messing with my toes. Jacob gently kissed my nose and rubbed my back. The more he soothed me, the more tired I got. Even when I realized I still needed to eat, I didn't feel like opening my eyes and waking up.

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