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Luca POV

"Papa..?" I whispered, sweat running down my chest. I hate bad dreams, and I just had a horrible one. I had been woken up for about 4 minutes before I tried to get Papa's attention. The nightmare was that Papa left with Dady, leaving me all alone and by myself. Should I wake him? I didn't get a chance to decide because his phone rang, waking him up and startling me. Papa groaned and sat up as I picked up the phone from the nightstand. It was Dady's contact. I quickly picked it up and put it on speaker.
"Dady-" I shouted, getting cut off by him scolding me.
"Quit calling! I'm gone because I don't want to talk to you. Either of you, so stop calling." He reprimanded me, ruining my excitement the second he opened his mouth.

"Mtay.." I whispered before Jacob grabbed the phone from me.
"Kayden, stop being a duche! My God, your boyfriend wants to call you, tells you he misses and loves you, tells you goodnight, and you have to call him back at-" He argued, stopping for a whole of 2 seconds to check the time. "At 3:12 A.M. to yell at him because he cares about you and wanted to tell you that. We'll stop calling, but you didn't have to be such a little bitch about it." Papa told him, hanging up and slamming his phone onto the nightstand again.
"Papa.. is Dady gonna come back?" I whispered, biting my cheek.
"He said he was. But if he doesn't, I'm still here." He told me, doing his best to be honest.

Jacob POV
"Is it cause of me..?" Luca quietly asked, looking up at me, heartbroken. I gently shook my head and pulled him into my lap.
"Nothing you did warranted for him to respond like that," I told him, gently scratching his head.
"I miss Dady.." He whispered to himself. Before I could tell him it was okay to miss him, I remembered I never gave him his medicine.
"Shit. I still need to give you that." I mumbled, climbing out of bed. I walked into the bathroom, hearing Luca take small footsteps behind me. I opened the cabinet and grabbed his new prescription, reading the label. It said to take one at night and about how to eat before you take it. I mean, it's night still? I'll just have to give it to him earlier tomorrow. I opened the cap and poured one out before putting the bottle back into the cabinet.
"Go get something to drink, please," I told him, setting it on the counter before messing with the drawstring of my pants.

He hurried back in with a cup of water so I finished trying my pants and handed him the pill. I think it was for depression or something, I'd have to read the bottle, and pay attention to what it was for. He tossed it back with water and took another drink. He didn't want to sleep the rest of the night. He was up and wide awake in the bedroom, despite having on his nightlight and music playing. Instrumental lullabies.
"Papa?" He quietly asked, looking up at me. He was spread out on the bed with his head in my lap.
"What is it?" I asked, reaching down and gently rubbing his head.
"I-I sleepy.." He whined, reaching up and holding my hand.
"You can go to sleep, Bubba. I'll be here when you wake up. Don't worry, Papa's not leaving." I tried to encourage him, running my hand gently over his face. He stretched out before climbing into my lap and laying his head against my chest. I put my hand under his shirt and gently scratched his back, hoping to put him to sleep. I eventually did, me falling asleep soon after.

I don't know how long he was awake before I woke up, but Luca gave me kisses the second I woke up.
"Morning," I mumbled, pulling away. He cuddled up against my side, holding my hand. At some point, he started biting me and I didn't know what to do. I don't care if he bites me, but I don't want him to get into that habit when Kayden comes back. I guess I'll just let him for now. I slid out of bed, in turn pulling my hand away from Luca's mouth. Meaning, he couldn't bite me.
"C'mon, you need breakfast," I told him, helping him out of bed.

I held his hand and led him to the kitchen, looking through the cabinet for something to make him. He gently babbled and swung our hands until I grabbed a box of cereal. I don't think there's much else he'd want. I grabbed a bowl and poured it in, getting milk from the fridge. I tried to make it a good ratio for him then put the gallon back into the fridge, taking a spoon from the drawer.
"Go sit down, Babe," I told him before setting the bowl in front of him. I gave him the spoon and let him eat it, or more pick at it, until the front door opened. I looked over at the front door, expecting and not expecting it to be Kayden. Which it was.
"Dady..?" Luca quietly asked, dropping the silverware into the bowl.

"Who else would it be?" He asked, sarcastically. Luca hesitated for a second before running over to Kayden and hugging him tight. I was still partially in shock when I cleared my throat to get his attention.
"Are you feeling a bit better?" I asked, walking over to him and hugging around Luca.
"Ya. Just needed a break I guess." He said, rubbing his face.
"Dady I really missed you," Luca told him before trying to kiss his lips as I pulled away from the hug.
"I know, you told me." He mumbled, pushing him away. He smells like liquor... Luca tried to stay happy, but I saw his lip quiver and his spirit fall when Kayden rejected him. I wrapped an arm around his waist and tried to silently comfort him while keeping up a conversation with Kayden.

The entire rest of the day, Luca wasn't himself. He wasn't engaged, he wasn't clingy, and he didn't want Jupiter. I don't think he was little. But it doesn't help that Kayden was being kind of mean to him.
"Are you gonna eat anything?" Kayden asked in a condescending tone, looking at Luca. He shook his head a little, not looking up at him. Kayden gave him a look but didn't say anything else. Luca just laid his head on the table, completely silent. I sighed and sat down in between the both of them.

"C'mon, let's go." Kayden tried to coarse Luca, pulling on his arm into the bedroom.
"I don't wanna." He said, trying to push his hand away.
"You don't like me?" Kayden asked, staring down at him.
"Let go," I said, grabbing his hand. He reluctantly let go and kept his hands to himself. I could see Luca starting to shake.
"Go take a shower. A cold shower." I told him, hoping it would sober him up.

"Babe, it's midnight. You should go to bed." I advised him, rubbing his back. Kayden was still in the bathroom, but I don't think the shower was running anymore. He was about to say something before deciding not to and hugging me tight.
"Night... I love you." He mumbled, kissing my cheek and pulling away.
"I love you too, Babes," I told him as he made his way to Kayden's bedroom. I'm sure he wants to sleep with Kayden since he's been gone for a little bit. I sat on the couch for another 10 minutes just sitting around until I heard Kayden getting loud again. I wasn't moving with the most urgency since I didn't think Kayden would hit him, but then I heard Luca start crying.
"Stop it! You're scaring me!" He shouted, making me walk faster. I pulled open the bedroom door to Kayden pushing Luca up against the dresser, holding his wrists against it too.

"Quit yell-" He started, before I cut him off.
"Let go of him," I demanded, quickly pushing him off. He scowled at me but didn't say anything. I gently grabbed Luca's hand and lead him up to my room. I'm taking him to my friend's house, but I'm not leaving him with Kayden while I grab my stuff.
"C'mere," I mumbled, shutting the door behind me.
"I'm gonna take us to my friend's, okay? I just gotta get some important stuff." I told him, grabbing my phone, charger, keys, and wallet. I shoved them in various pockets, thank God I'm in sweatpants, before double checking I grabbed all the important stuff. I'm pretty sure I did.

"I know you dont have shoes on, okay? You're gonna have to grab them as you leave and put them on in the truck." I told him, re-lacing up mine. He softly nodded and silently cried.
"Do you have your phone and wallet?" I asked, grabbing the doorknob.
"Y-ya.." He whispered, patting his hoodie pocket.
"Okay, be quiet," I told him, quickly opening the door so it didn't creak. I let him go down the stairs first, me only a step behind him. He stopped for a second in the living room, grabbed Jupiter off the couch, and then quietly hurried into the kitchen. Kayden's door was shut, but that didn't comfort me any. I tensely watched Luca grab his sneakers, me opening the front door the same way I did the one upstairs. He frowned a little at the wet ground but stood on the wet pavement anyways before running over to my truck. I closed the door, extremely gently when I had to let it cluck, before following Luca to my vehicle. I climbed into the driver's side and put my keys in the ignition, pulling out onto the highway as soon as Luca's door was shut.

I drove silently for a minute, trying to calm down before I realized I needed to call Spade. He's closest, doesn't live with anyone else, and is probably up right now. I dialed him and he answered on the third ring.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Hey, um, can we crash at your house tonight? Me and Luca." I asked, trying to focus on the road.
"Sure, I guess. Why?" He agreed.
"Well... Kayden's not exactly super safe to be around right now." I explained, trying to be careful with my wording.
"What do you mean?" He continued.
"I mean he's intimidating Luca. Like, Kayden shoved him up against a dresser and wouldn't let him be until I pushed him off." I further explained, watching Luca get tense as I mentioned it.

"Yeah, y'all can come spend a night or two. I'd rather not have you guys get hurt." He said. I told him thank you before we exchanged goodbyes and hung up.

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