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[Luca POV]

Dady drove to the ER and carried me in the same way, signing me in and getting me a patient wristband. I tried to stop crying, and it definitely faded. I was back down to tears silently running down my face and the hiccups. I got a couple of stares as Dady carried me in, but I think it's cause I'm a guy being carried. I don't like being looked at, but it's much faster than trying to do it myself. Soon enough, we got called back into a room, the part of the ER where you're only expected to stay there an hour or so since it's not a huge medical emergency. They gave me an ice pack to keep on it while we waited.

Dady sat me down and I made sure my foot hovered because when I let it touch the ground, I felt something shift and it started hurting really bad again.
"Luca, I'm so sorry... I wasn't thinking and that's no excuse, but I didn't try and hurt you. I'm so sorry, Baby," Jacob kept apologizing. Even though I assured him over and over it was okay and I knew he didn't mean it. Dady loves me a lot, I know he does, and he took care of me as soon as I got hurt. I just wish he didn't shove me so I wouldn't be in pain right now. The staff saw us super quickly and had me sit in a wheelchair while they brought me to an X-raying room. They made me point my foot and turn it completely to the side. It hurt to turn just my ankle so I moved my whole leg, which they said worked just fine. They just needed a clear image of my bone turned sideways. It only took a couple of minutes for them to be done and bring me back to Dady. I sat down next to him and after they left, he kissed my face all over and wiped my face. Showering me with 'I love you's.

It took probably half an hour for the expert to examine the X-rays and come tell us what was wrong.
"Hey, the radiologist looked at them and told us that, good news, it's not broken. It's just a nasty sprain, so we're going to wrap it in an Ace Wrap and have you keep ice on it." She told us, taking a wrap out of the plastic packaging. I lifted my leg so it was a little easier for her to do. She wrapped it tight, but not 'cutting off circulation' tight, and sent us home with a doctor's note. Just in case we needed one.

Dady carried me back out to the truck but didn't turn it on right away. He rested his head on the steering wheel for a minute or two before sitting up again.
"Bubba, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I don't know what's wrong with me sometimes..." He mumbled, turning the key. I don't feel like talking really, but I still have been thinking about Jupiter.
"Jupiter...?" I quietly asked.
"I-I'll get him and clean him. Okay?" He offered so I quickly agreed. I need Jupiter to talk to and I don't like how he got hurt in a conflict between me and Dady.

When we got back to the house, Spade was home, and Jacob had gotten Jupiter right after he sat me down at the table. He headed into the laundry room and I heard the washer starting.
"Hey, Lukie!" Spade greeted me enthusiastically.
"Hi hi," I mumbled, smiling a little.
"What happened to your foot?" He asked after glancing down at my bandage.
"I sprained it," I casually explained. To my relief, he didn't ask any further questions about it. Just about how viewing the apartment went.
"I liked the windows and we're supposed to get all our stuff in boxes tonight," I told him, watching him sit at the dining room table.
"It's moving fast, huh?" He asked, grinning at me. I nodded and yawned, but tried to stifle it. Crying makes me really tired for some reason.

Papa came back out and bent down, resting his arms on the table and telling him a secret. I frowned and tried to listen to what he was saying, but I couldn't. Spade nodded as he pulled away and I stared at him confused.
"What did you say?" I asked, turning my attention to Dady.
"Nothing for you to worry about," He casually told me. I hate when anyone brushes me off but maybe he has a good reason.

Later that night, Dady was feeling up on me but I don't think he remembered I was little still since I hadn't talked a whole lot once we got home.
"You wanna do something?" He asked after we got into the bedroom, wrapping his arms around my waist. I don't really wanna but I also want attention from him. I guess she picked up on my hesitancy.
"We don't gotta, Baby. I was just offering." He told me, setting me on the bed.
"Do you just want my lovies?" He asked, smiling at me and making me forget all of what happened earlier. I giggled and reached for him as he lay down next to me. He can be so sweet and I can't help when I fall for him all over again.
"Dady! I wanna kiss," I told him. He rolled onto his side and gently kissed my lips. He pulled away and I let him put something on the TV. It was a baby show named Max and Ruby. I'd never seen it before but Dady said he had. I liked Max a whole lot even though he didn't talk almost ever. I don't remember my momma ever putting on any baby shows for me, but maybe she did.

"Dady I don't like her," I let him know, very matter of fact like.
"Why don't you? She too bossy for little miss independent?" He asked, making me giggle and nod. I don't mind him calling me 'miss' right then since it's just a saying, like how some people call everyone 'bro'. She doesn't ever let Max have any fun, so I think she needs to quit trying to be in charge. At some point, one of them yawned so I did too. Which caused me to yawn more and more, effectively making me sleepy.
"You tired, Bubba?" Dady asked me, pulling me into his lap.
"No..." I whined, not able to resist him. I laid on his chest and gently kissed his forehead every so often. He looks so pretty.
"How 'bout we get you ready for bed?" He suggested. I pouted but quickly stopped when he reminded me how nice sleep is.
"You'll get lullabies, it'll be nice and dark, Dady's gonna give you kisses and cuddles, and you get to be all cozy under the covers," I very quickly changed my tune.

"Mmmm, maybe I am sleepy," I decided, making him smile. He made me get off his belly so he turned off the lights and changed the video to music before getting back to bed. But before he sat down I quickly asked him about something to chew.
"Dady, do I got a paci here?" I quietly asked, getting under the blankets.
"Course, Bubba. You feel like my Itty bitty baby?" Dady asked, grabbing what I assume is a paci from the top of the dresser. He slid it into my mouth and I gently sucked on it while Dady got in next to me. I rubbed my face and closed my eyes as Dady rubbed my side. He makes me feel so many different things, but right now it's tiny and safe so I couldn't resist falling asleep.

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