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A/N- Later on in this chapter, Luca gets a boner while little because of how his body responds after the S/A. But there's no NSFW content, Jacob doesn't do anything with him, I'm not gonna write smut on it. It's only a plot point. If u can't read that I understand, I'll put a marker for right before it and a marker after it's done.

[Luca POV]

Papa went to work before I could wake up, and I wish he would've told me bye-bye. But, it isn't the biggest deal I guess. Though, when I woke up it didn't feel like I was real. I stood up out of bed and could feel the floor moving underneath me. I smacked my head off the dresser and it brought me back to reality. I just felt the warm blood running down my temple.
"Papa!" I cried, tears filling my eyes. I know he isn't here but I want him. I want cuddles and lovies and kisses and for him to tell me I'm okay. I shakily stood up on my own, trying to remember how to walk all on my own.

"Lukie?" I heard Spade ask as he opened the door. I looked over at him and saw him frown.
"You're bleeding!" He exclaimed, stepping over to me. I let him touch the blood on my face.
"Hit my head!" I cried, chewing on my bottom lip so I didn't split my top one again.
"Aw, Bubba. You should've called for me. It's okay, lemme bandage you up," He said, pulling his hand away and putting it in my own. I didn't know how exactly to follow after him so when he started walking, I started sobbing again. I want Papa!
"Hey hey, Shh, come here," He soothed me. He turned back around and picked me up into his arms, gently bouncing me.

"Papa..." I whispered, rubbing my face.
"Papa's got to work, Bub. Can I clean up your face?" He asked, starting to bring me into the bathroom anyways. I don't wanna be in the bathroom without him. It's not that I don't think Spade's a good guy, I like him and all that, but I don't want my butt to hurt again... And I thought Kayden wouldn't ever do that to me either. I quickly shook my head but was starting to feel my chest tighten and my breathing shallow out. So protesting against him wasn't super easy.
"No... Want Papa to do it!" I begged as he stooped outside the door to it.
"Lukie, can I wipe the blood off? I won't even take you in there, I just don't want to scrub it later," He tried to reason. I took a decent breath after what felt like minutes and nodded a little. He was honest and didn't bring me in there, he just wiped off the blood on my forehead with the bottom hem of his t-shirt. After he brought me to the living room and sat down on the couch with me. He let me crawl off when I tried to and just turned on a baby show while I lay next to him, my head close to him instead of my feet. He scratched my head and let me watch the show until Papa finally got back, which I was thrilled about.

"Baby! Come here, I have something for you," He called as I heard the front door shut. I hadn't figured out how to walk all by myself still so I sat up and stimmed, doing my best to be patient and wait for him to come to get me. After a couple of seconds, he did, making me giggle.
"Papa," I said, smiling and letting him pick me up.
"Lookie what I got for you," He told me before putting a stuffed Dino in my field of view, a stuffie I had been missing for a couple days.
"Jupiter!" I slurred, reaching for him. He handed him over and let me teeth on him for a little bit before Spade walked in.
"He bonked his head, by the way, and he didn't want me to take him into the bathroom and clean it off so I couldn't do much for it," Spade told him, making him look a bit closer at me. But I didn't care, I was way too busy with Jupiter's return and babbling at him.

"What did you do, Babe? You've got a nasty scrape," He observed.
"Hit my head... on the dresser," I explained. He sighed but didn't say anything else, just set me back down on the couch and started talking to Spade again.
"Did he take a nap?" I heard Papa ask.
"No, I let him lay next to me and he didn't fall asleep," Spade explained. I ignored them and kept up my conversation with Jupiter til a commercial came on. I watched it and it was for some repair service that I'd never heard of.
"No, I had to stop by Kayden's for a minute but he was banging some chick. I think it was that girl from next door to his house," I suddenly heard Papa say, catching me off guard.
"Huh...?" I quietly questioned. I knew Kayden didn't like me anymore, but that hurt me for some reason. My lip quivered and I snuggled Jupiter closer.
"No, no, Baby. It's not you. I promise it's just Kayden," He tried to tell me. I slowly started crying, feeling Jacob pick me up. I guess it was my fault Kayden hurt me cause he could move on so fast.

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