XI. Snowball

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IT WAS THE night of the SnowBall, the night Roseanne has been looking forward to for the longest ever since Mike asked her to go last year in the schools's lunchroom.

Currently, Nora and Roseanne's home had cardboard boxes all over the place due to Jamie in the moving process.

Roseanne stared at herself in the mirror as Jamie brushed her hair into an updo hairstyle and Nora helped zip up the zipper in the back of her dress.

Due to Rosie's short hair, Jamie had to spray hairspray in some areas to prevent loose hairs from falling and then stick a pin into her bun. Each time Jamie did, Roseanne squinted her eyes from the smell of the hairspray that she disliked.

When Jamie finally finished her hair, she stood behind Roseanne in the mirror, smiling, "You look beautiful, honey."

"Thanks mom" Rose responded, returning a smile and then looking down at her pink dress.

"I have one more thing for you, I'll be right back" Jamie said, Rosie missing the look that Nora and Jamie had exchanged before Jamie walked out the room.

Nora gulped, clearing her throat, "Rosie, why don't you come sit down so you can put on your shoes?" Nora insisted, grabbing the shoe box off of the floor before the two sat down in the bay window seat.

There was silence for a long moment and Roseanne had noticed the uneasiness of Nora. She looked at the older girl after putting on one of her shoes, "You okay?"

Nora looked at her with an hesitant expression, turning her whole body to face Roseanne, "I...have something to tell you" Nora finally said out loud.

Roseanne nodded her head while putting her second shoe on, then when she was finished, she turned to Nora, "Okay, what is it?"

The older girl took her sisters hands in hers, further worrying the red head girl. "Rose, you know I love you and that i would never ever abandon you, right?"

Roseanne scrunched her brows, not understanding where Nora was going with this, "Yeah, of course I know that. Nora, what's going on?"

Nora used one of her hands to push a strand of hair behind her ear, "Daniel showed me this new school...a college. It's a really great school and I really want to go."

Nora looked at Rosie's face for an response, there wasn't one, which worried her more, "Rose, I know you—"

"You should go" Roseanne interrupted her sister. "You know Abuela always wanted you to go to college. Don't let me be the reason why you're thinking about not going."

"Rose, it's not that easy. There's more."

"There's more?"

"The college...it's--it's all the way in California."

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