I. MadMax

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IT WAS AROUND HALLOWEEN time which was Julie's favorite time of the year

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IT WAS AROUND HALLOWEEN time which was Julie's favorite time of the year. She liked how her neighbors decorated their houses in decorative spider webs and scary trick-or-treat signs on their front yard.

Almost a year has passed since Will had been found and Eleven went missing. There wasn't a day that went by where Julie wasn't thinking about the girl, she missed her terribly.

On the bright side, for Julie, everything had been going well. On some days, she would stay home and spend time with her older sister and on other days, she would go over to Mike's house.

Julie and Nora had also went to the Byers house where Julie and the youngest Byers brother played in Castle Byers with all of Will's toys.

Right now, the girl named Julianna looked in the mirror as she put on a floral shirt, pairing it with some light colored jeans and topping it with her jacket.

"Julie? It's Mike, can you hear me?" A voice said as Julie walked over towards the table beside her bed, pulling out a drawer to grab her supercomm.

"Yes, I could hear you Mike" She felt herself smile at the sound of his voice.

"Hey, what's your halt?" He asked her. She looked around for a moment before going towards her desk, "I don't know yet, I'm not done getting ready" She admitted as she grabbed her piggy bank from her desk.

"But we have to be there in like four minutes!" She could hear him say as she sighed, "Well, are you there yet?"

There was a short pause, "Not yet, but I'm leaving soon and you should too. Over and out!" He said lastly as she knew he turned his supercomm off after.

She turned hers off too, throwing it on the bed. She opened her piggy bank and gave it a few shakes, each time releasing a few coins.

She grabbed two handfuls of money as she stuffed it into her jacket pockets. She moved towards her mirror again, running her fingers through her short hair.

Recently, Julie wanted to change something about her and Nora gave her the idea of cutting her long hair short. Now, her fiery hair stopped just above her shoulders as she had curtain bangs.

Julie liked the new look but she was nervous to see how the party would react since they haven't seen her new hair yet ever since she got it cut.

She took another look in the mirror, reassuring herself that she looked decent before she ran out out the room and went downstairs.

Nora was at the dining room table with a bunch of papers that Julie assumed to be homework while she had the wired phone to her ear, "...You're gonna want to move the decimal two places and then--what? No, no Steve not to the right to the left. Move the decimal two spots to the left" The tan girl wrote something down on one of the papers before she looked up, spotting Julie.

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