XI. Upside Down

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A girl named Roseanne sat on her bed with her purple stuffed elephant. She imagined the eleplant said something funny and laughed, "You're really funny, Ellie." She gasped as she put her hand over her mouth dramatically, "What?! You know mom and dad wouldn't approve of that, Ellie." She scolded as she shook her head.


She stopped her conversation with her stuffed animal when there was the sound of a loud bang that seemed to have come from downstairs. She turned towards her elephant, "Did you hear that ellie?"

Roseanna paused to wait for a response before she nodded, "Yeah, you're right. Let's go see." The girl raised out of her bed with her elephant clutched in her hand, slowly opening the door.

The house seemed quiet and the house was never quiet. There was always the sound of mom's classical music playing while she cooked dinner or dad's television shows. "Mom?" She heard no response as she looked down the dark hall from her room. "Dad?" Again, no reply.

Annie had wondered when did her house get this scary looking. Usually, the lights were always on upstairs because she is afraid of the dark.


And then a scream.

The sound made the young girl flinch as she held onto her animal friend tighter. She reluctantly forced herself to walk down the stairs and as she did so, she got full view of the living room.

It was a mess.

The television was flipped off of the table and on the ground with broken, pieces scattered around it. The pillows from the couch was on the floor and the vase that used to contain flowers were spilled on the ground.

"M-mom? Dad? Where'd you go? This isn't f-funny!" She yelled, as she stepped into the living room and looked around.

As she approached the kitchen, she gasped when she saw a guy in a white suit punching her dad in the face, the main grunting in pain. "H-hey! Stop that! That's my dad!" She yelled at the man, only for him to deliver one last punch before her dad collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

She didn't hesitate to run towards her dad, placing down her elephant and shaking his limp body. Tears streamed down her face as she turned towards the man, "What did you do to my dad?!" She shouted at the man who only stared at her, "Where is my mama?"

The man that beat her dad said something into his device and in within seconds, other men dressed in the same attire as him entered the room and began to surround her. She quickly got overwhelmed and ran to hide underneath the kitchen table, accidentally leaving her elephant behind.

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