III. Halloween

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IT WAS HALLOWEEN today. Julie stared at herself in the mirror, wiping any dust off the sweater and jeans she was wearing.

The party had all agreed to wear their costumes to school but Julie hadn't finished making her costume yet and it wasn't ready to be wore to school. She was nervous to show up not wearing her costume in fear that the party might be upset with her.

"Julie!" She heard Nora yell from downstairs which prompted the girl to hurry. She grabbed her backpack from the seat in the bay window before running downstairs.

Nora was near the front door, putting her shoes on. "Put your shoes on, I'm taking you to school."

Julie nodded as she walked over towards Nora, putting her sneakers on aswell.

"I thought you were going to wear your costume to school today?" Nora questioned, recalling when Julie excitedly told her about the costume she has planned out.

"Yeah but I haven't finished it. It'll be all done later when I go trick or treating. What are you doing for today?" Julie asked her sister as the two walked out into the garage.

"I don't know, there's a Halloween party later. I might swing by" Nora answered as the two got into the car.


WHEN JULIE ARRIVED at school, she immediately saw the five familiar boys standing on the sidewalk. She thanked Nora for the ride before running over to them.

"...If he's cool, then you be Winston!" She heard Lucas say as he pointed his finger at Mike. Everyone was turned around so no one saw the girl approaching.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"B-Because.." Mike trailed off trying to come up with an excuse.

"B-B-Because you're not black?" Lucas mocked as Mike was quick to retort, "I didn't say that!"

"You thought it!"

Will turned around, noticing Julie's appearance first. "Hey Julie!" He greeted, making the others look.

"Hey, you guys look awesome" She told them as she looked back and forth at the matching outfits the five of them had.

"Yeah but we would look awesome-er if you was wearing your costume" Dustin stated as Lucas cut in, "Why aren't you wearing it?" He asked.

Instead of answering, Julie pointed ahead, the others followed her gaze. The five boys all looked around at the kids who were wearing regular clothes. They exchanged looks while Aston exhaled, "Shit."


The six of them all walked down the hall. Julie looked like the odd-one-out since she was the only one of the group dressed normally. Kids that passed them and stood on either sides of the hallways pointed at them, laughing, and whispering to their friends next to them.

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