IV. Secret

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THE NEXT MORNING, Julie made her way to school on her bike with her usual music playing through her ears

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THE NEXT MORNING, Julie made her way to school on her bike with her usual music playing through her ears. As she made it to school, she parked her bike into the bike rack, taking her backpack out of the basket.

"HEY JULIE!" A familiar soft voice called out to her. She turned to be met with Mike, Lucas and Dustin. The three of them walked their bikes over to the bike rack and parked their bikes beside hers.

"Hi"  Julianna greeted shortly with a smile as the others put their bikes into the rack. The freckled faced girl happened to notice they were down by two people, "Where's Will and Ashton?"

The four of them all looked around among the crowd of people. "Do you guys see him?" Dustin asked the others as they shook their heads.

"Nope" Mike shook his head, looking through the people outside, none of them looking like the familiar boy to him.

"I'm telling you, his mom is right. He probably went to class early again." Lucas reassured the group as they began to walk towards the school building.

"Yeah, he's always paranoid that Gursky's is gonna give him another pop quiz." Dustin joked as an annoying voice joined in on the conversation.

Troy and James appeared, "Step right up ladies and gentlemen. Step right up to the freak show!" The four all let out a huff as Troy turned towards his friend, "Who do you think would make more money in a freak show?"

Troy stepped in front of Lucas, punching him in the chest, "Midnight?"

He moved towards Mike, doing the same, "Frogface?"

Then Dustin, "Or toothless?"

He skipped over Julianna, only smirking in her direction which grossed her out.

James thought for a moment, "I'm gonna go with toothless." He said, mimicking the way Dustin speaks.

"I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. It's called Cleidocranial Dysplasia." Dustin explained while the two bullies, who couldn't care less, just laughed at him, "I told you a million times!" James copied the way Dustin spoke again.

"Do the arm thing." Troy said in a orderly tone towards Dustin as he just stood and stared for a moment. "Do it freak!"

Out of nowhere, there was forceful wind that interrupted them. The wind blew past the four friends like nothing but they watched as Troy and James tumbled backwards onto the ground.

As the bullies rubbed their heads groaning in pain, the boys and Julie looked at each other with confusion since the wind felt like nothing to them but made the two bullies boys fall to the ground.

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