Chapter 22

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After crying and complaining for whole 2 minutes, jungkook finally called doctor to check up taehyung.

Doctor smiled looking at awake taehyung, he went close to his bed and asked while placing stethoscope on his chest 

"Take a deep breath! "

Tae did as doctor said to him while doctor asked again

"Are you feeling pain anywhere? "

"Yeah! In head! "

"Hmm! Ok good! Now take rest for few minutes it will be okay! "

Tae nodded then looked at jungkook and said

"Hyung! Did you informed Eomma? "

Jungkook was numb hearing this. 

This thought didn't cross his mind that his parents should also be informed but then he was in no state to think anything yesterday.

He was in pain. 

His mind was messed up. 

His heart was burning seeing taehyung lying lifeless on hospital bed with a oxygen mask being only his source of breathing. 

When taehyung didn't got any reply, he hold jungkook's hands and jerked it towards himself breaking Jungkook's numb state. 

"Hyung! "

"Oh- I-  I am sorry bear! I forgot to inform them. Wait! I will inform them. "

"Hyung! No! Please don't stress her more, she is already suffering there. "

"But bear she is your mother! She has the right to know about this. How can I not!? I will always feel guilty because she had given your responsibility to me and I failed her but if I won't tell about this to her then I would never be able to forgive myself. "

"Hyung! Please don't tell her! I beg you! Please....."

"But bear- "

He was cut off by taehyung pleading.

"No! Please I will tell her myself when I will be all healthy. I will myself tell her everything about the whole incident. Just not now! Won't you do this for me! Pretty please!! "

He said making the most innocent tata mic face with puppy eyes. 

And who was jungkook to say no to his cute bear.

With heavy heart, he nodded making taehyung smile widely. 

Their moments was interrupted by a nurse coming in. 

"Mr. Jeon! Doctor has called you! "

Jungkook nodded and went after smiling at taehyung. 

"Come in! Mr. Jeon! "

"I called you to tell about taehyung's condition. He is out of danger but he have to leave consuming alcohol everyday. It's affecting his liver. Although his liver is still fine but if he continue this activity then it might become a serious problem to his health. "

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