Epilogue/10k special

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*5 years later*

"I'm nervous!!"

"Yang Jungwon, you're never nervous. Youre like the smartest most confident person I know."

"You're just saying that because your biased!"

"Doesn't mean it's false?"

Jungwon lets out huff and goes to sit on their bed, his pacing was getting exhausting. Jay quickly follows him, trying to make him calm down.

"I haven't been this nervous since I took over my parents buisness!" He rubs his sweaty palms on his thighs as the bed dips down to his right and Jay places a hand on his back.

"Wonie." Jay brings a hand to the youngers cheek, forcing him to look at him and make eye contact. Jungwons hair was slightly messy on his forehead, his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes wide with panic. "Everything going to be okay."


"No buts Jungwon." Jay pats the boys hair lovingly before getting back up and to the mirror, fixing his tie in the reflection.

"Hyung! Maybe we should reschedule!" Jungwon hurries to follow Jay to the mirror, bouncing behind him with a pout.

Jay turn around and wraps an arm around the younger, "Babe we can do this." He smiles and plants a kiss on jungwons forehead, turning him into a human tomato.

Jungwon lets out a small huff before letting his head fall onto his boyfriends shoulder, "I'm just nervous..." He mumbled into his shirt, "This is like the first time our families are going to be together since... you know?"

Jay hums in response, running his fingers through jungwons hair softly, "But that's a good thing right? Maybe we can finally reconcile?" He looks down trying to meet his boyfriend eyes.

"But what if my parents say something bad to you. Or Chan hyung. Or anyone else in your family!?" Jungwon says in a panicked breath.

"I'm sure they won't." Jay smiles, "I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to be yours." He leans down to be at eye level with Jungwon.

"Shush." Jungwon mutters, his cheeks still a bright red, "I hate when you say things like that."

"You know you love it."

"Ugh you're such an old man!"

"And you love me!!"

Jungwon lets out a loud gulp when the two step out of their car and stand before the Yang mansion. Jay was quick to notice the pale Jungwon and slips his hand into his.

"Come on babe." He sends the younger a reassuring smile as the begin to walk to the entrance.

There stood two men who were also in suits. One was slightly taller than the other, and Jungwon quickly recognized him.

"Jeongin hyung!" The boys nervousness had gone out the window as he ran to his older brother.

Jeongin turned around to his voice called and a smile finds itself on his lips, "Hey wonie!" He opens his arms and lets the boy crash into him.

"It feels like it's been forever hyung!!" Jungwon buries his face deeper into his brothers arms, smiling so widely.

The moment he pulls away, he turns to the other and older boy next to his brother, "Chan hyung!!"

Chan huffs as Jungwon crashes into his arms next, hugging him as tight as possible, "Hey jungwonnie." He chuckles and returns the hug.

Even though the younger Yang had grown much from the 15 year old Chan had met, the boy was still a baby in his eyes. Even though this baby was a ceo now.

Arranged - JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now