Chapter 6 - Acting

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Just like that, it was the second of their weekly dinners

The first one... was fine.

His parents were mad at Jeongin for showing up late but chans parents didn't notice so I guess all was well.

Jungwon did truly save his ass their. And he got his well deserved McDonald's the next day, don't worry.

The only thing the couple did plan wise was briefly hold hands or look at eachother more. You know they gotta make it believable right?

Their parents are stupid, but theyre also self made millionaire. So it would've been too obvious if the boys suddenly became loveydovey. It had to be gradual.

It was a bit complicated but damn were they willing to do anything.

So when the second dinner rolled around, the real acting started.


"You look great Jeongin-ah." Chan softly smiles as his family enters the Yang mansion. Making jeongins throat go a bit dry as his mom looks at him with a weird look, confused almost.

"You look great too hyung, blue really suits your eyes!" Jeongin speaks quickly and almost a bit too loud. Remember when we agreed acting was not Jeongins best suit?

But the confusion on his mothers eyes turns to a smile, "Wah Jessica this is truly beautiful to watch." She looks over at chans mothers, Jessica, whose always smiling at the two boys.

With nervous chuckling the boys take a seat at the dining table. At which Chan pulls out Jeongins chair for him to sit in. Two mothers in the distance squeal at that.

Jungwon and jay were familiar with the plan put into place, but it sure still gave them second hand embarassment. Jungwon had to sit there putting all his focus into not blurting out the truth to the table, the boy had a hard time keeping secrets no matter how many times he covered for his older brother.

Jay was just gagging at their cute actions. He didn't even know why he had to join these dinners anyway. It's not like he was getting married? Nevertheless this was a "merging" of their families, therefore he was forced to be present.

One thing about Jeongin however. He was a nervous reck. This felt like a huge responsibility. He needed to act mature if this was going to work.

"Aren't they just the perfect match honey!" Jeongin stares down at the steak on his plate while his mother and father laughing and smile about his fake love.

"Just perfect. I knew when I met the young man that Chan would be perfect for our Jeongin." His father and the others chuckle loudly.

"It's a pleasure sir."

The sound of chans voice makes Jeongin look up. His voice seemed different then when he talks normally, it felt sounded so mature, deeper even.

"Jeongin-ah is one of the best people I've ever found the opportunity to meet. His beauty and charisma is unmatched. Truly an Angel." Chans words fall smoothly off his tongue. Not a quiver on his voice.

Jeongin feels shivers rub up his spine, trying his best to keep focus on the steak before him. But the only thing he could think about was trying to control the redness finding it's way onto his cheeks.

Jay mutters a, "ah here we go." Before their parents break out into chants of awes. Were the finding entertainment off their kids love story? They sold their son off and think this is a kdrama now?

Ugh do these parents get on my nerves.

"Why we might have to move the wedding earlier! Chan seems to be taking quite the interest huh?"  His mother laughs off, though almost giving Jeongin a heart attack in the process with her sudden proposition.

He slowly lifts his head to look up at Chan sitting infront of him, when he does he finds his eyes already locked on him.

Remember it's all fake.

He didn't actually mean those words.

Calm your heartbeat

With a deep breath and a quick glance at his worried younger brother, he returns to slowly eating his steak.

Maybe that was enough for this week.


"Can I join you?" The olders voice makes Jeongin look up from staring at the flowers, almost startling him out of the silence.


Jeongin had simply been sitting in his garden. It was one of his favourite parts of the mansion since flowers were something he found so interesting. It was like the spot he would go to relax you know? He even took care of the most the flowers. It was seemingly the only thing he ever did right.

Anyways, the dinner ended about 10 minutes ago. Chans family was supposed to leave right after, but you know asian parents. They got caught up in some random conversation right by the door and it led to them staying for another half hour.

Jungwon had gone to his room to study.

Jay had disappeared, probably to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror.

And Chan... well he definitely didn't want to stay with his parents and listen to their boring conversations and his little sister was fast asleep in his mothers arms.

So he went to find his fiancé.

He slowly takes a seat on the bench next to Jeongins , "Are you feeling alright?"

Jeongin hums in return, looking back to the flowers. He wasn't trying to seem dramatic but it sure seemed like it.

"I just-" Jeongin starts while playing with his fingers, "I feel like you're doing great with the acting and I'm just not doing enough you know? Im not being convincing enough to our parents-"

"Jeongin you did great what are you talking about?" Chan abruptly cuts off the younger, his voice laced with shock.

"Pff me and doing great in the same sentence." Jeongin rolls his eyes, still not even looking at his fiancé.

"Hey, youre great at many things Jeongin-ah." Chan softly states, trying to console the boy.

"You don't have to pity me hyung. I know I'm just some random teenager that was forced into your life." The younger sighs at the thought, it made him feel even more disappointed in himself.

Chan stops for a moment. Joining Jeongin in staring at the flowers and bushes spreading across the garden. Each one telling a different story with their petals. Some shorter some taller some fuller some orange some blue. All of them pretty nonetheless.

"You wanna hear how I'm so good at acting?"Chan nudges the boys side, trying to lift the mood.

Jeongin finally looks up at him, intrigued. He meet his dark eyes, finally taking in the features of the man he was supposed to spend his life with.

"It's easier to act from things you already feel."


yall school has gotta be a social experiment to see how long it takes for kids to go insane istg.


Hope you enjoyed!

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