Chapter 14 - Hold on

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"No- no no no" Chan brings his hands to his hair, clutching the strand tightly as his eyes dash around the room.

The room was silent in shock. Even the two boys who were in on the fight had their mouths agape. I guess they realized maybe this wasn't all acting after all. But the parents sat with bulging eyes and wide mouths.

Chan's father was the first to speak up, "Chan-ah w-what the- why-"

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Chan yells out. His fury bubbling outside the limits he had kept for so long.

He never yelled at his parents.

But he wanted to scream at them today.

"IF ONLY YOU ALL HADNT PRESSURED AN 18 YEAR OLD TO GET MARRIED! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? DID-" Chan takes a deep breath and walks over to his father who still sat at the table.

With one swift movement, he clutches his fathers collar and pulls him up and close to his face in a threatening manner, "Did you really think Jeongin was some prize you could buy? Do you not have any sympathy? DID YOU THINK YOU COULD HURT MY INNIE?"

Chan's fathers eyes go wide, he struggles to breath against his sons grasp. The others at the table loudly gasping at his behavior as Jungwon and Jay quickly get up and run over to Chan, trying to pull him off his father.


Chan finallys pulls himself out of the younger boys grips, "CAN YOU GUYS EVEN CALL YOURSELFS PARENTS!?"

With that Chan runs out the room, in the same direction his ex fiancé ran in. He knew Jeongin didn't know much of his way around his home. They've only been here a handful of times.

Chan prays he didn't end up lost.

"I'm so stupid" Jeongin sniffles as he stares down at small garden the house had. Though he could barely see through the darkness of the night.

Everything had fallen apart hadn't it?

Jeongin can't do anything right.

"I don't know why I let myself get to this point?" He wipes a few tears and hugs his knees closer to his chest. Jeongin was a mess. He always had been. He's the second favorite Yang son. The one nobody talks about. He had one chance to make his parents like him and he blew it off. He let himself feel comfortable around Chan when he knew he had to let go.

What's the point of all this anyway?

Jeongins tears slowly die down as the summer night breeze blows his hair in all directions. He plays with the petals on the flowers. They were wilting. Perhaps Chan forgot to water them. Their petals slowly falling from tip where as the other half remains as beautiful as ever. Unaware of the darkness that will soon engulf them too.

A numb feeling encapsulating him.

What am I going to do now?

He looks up at the stars. The sky was awfully clear today and hundreds of shining dots scattered it.

It made Jeongin smile.

He hadn't realized how happy he had been recently huh? Everything was great. He graduated along side his best friends. He got to live through these moments with the people he cared about. His brother, Jungwon, and what felt like his other brother, Jay. And... his fiance.

He was happy with Chan.

He didn't know how it came to be. Was it his daddy issues perhaps? But somehow Chan became somebody he could lean on. Somebody who took care of him the way nobody else did.

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