Chapter 18 - Opening

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"Hyung!!" Jeongin calls out from the closet of their bedroom, "I can't get the shirt over my head!"

The older comes running in, worried, only to find a mummy looking Jeongin. He had his hands up and a shirt half way down his body, the neckline stuck at his head. Chan stifles a laugh as he rushes to help the younger, "Baby is your head getting bigger?"

"Watch it old man." Jeongin glares at him once his face is finally revealed. "Youre sleeping on the couch if you end up shrinking another one of my shirts." He sways a threatening finger in his face.

"Innie! You said you'd forgive me! It was an accident I didn't know those couldn't go in the dryer."

"Mhm sure you didn't." The younger scoffs as he walks to the mirror and adjusts his collar. Chan walks up behind him and looks at him through the reflection.

"You have to admit it looks better a size down..." Chan smirks as he wraps an arm around the boys shoulder, jeongins face slowly pinkifying.

He scoffs, "Don't you have... I don't know... somewhere to be?" Jeongin teases the older who grins in response.

"Yeah I do." He pulls the younger closer to his side, "I gotta go help my man open his wonderful flower shop that's going to be the best thing ever." He makes a fake aegyo face and places a kiss on jeongins forehead.

My man?

Jeongin looks down to his hands. Sure the boys were living together, eating together, sleeping together and practically one person at this point, but the older had never actually asked him out. To be honest, they never even exchanged I love you's or even I like yous. And they've only ever shared kisses and promised to not leave eachother that one fateful night.

Did Chan feel like I was still too young for him?

Why else would he not tell me he loves me?

"Baby? You okay?" The older softly asks, placing a hand onto his head with worry painted in his eyes.

Clearing his throat and putting back on his normal self, Jeongin rolls his eyes, "Everyone's going to think I'm the older one here with your aegyo." He turns back to the mirror and adjusts his hair, checking the time as the guests would be arrive soon.

Jeongin finishes up in the mirror and grabs his phone before rushing down the stairs toward his new shop. Chan follows after him, still sulking over the younger comment.

"But I'm 24!!"

Jeongin walks over a painting on the wall, adjusting it a bit, "Yeah sure Channie"

The shop was beautifully decorated thanks to the boys hard work over the past couple weeks. The different flowers pictures displayed almost like a menu. Prices for certain combinations were had written in the cutest floral board. Aesthetic paintings and shelves with hanging plants covering the walls. The theme was a light brown look with pastel colors scattered around. Obviously, there were plenty of flowers already on shelves to be sold, thanks to the garden they had developed in the backyard and the one they had at Chan's old home.

Everything was just perfect.

"Yah Jeongin-ah respect your hyung!" Chan pouts as Jeongin wipes one of the counters down. The sunlight in this shop was immaculate for being in a city, especially amazing since this was a flower shop after all, but it also made the dust particles particularly visible.

Jeongin sends a glare at Chan who quickly lifts up his hands in surrender. He laughs and grabs a rag before bringing to clean some dirty spots in the windows.

I think I love him...

But does he even love me back?

He calls me babe and baby. Why won't he just ask me out then?

Arranged - JeongchanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora