Chapter 8 - Great match

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"Innie is the food good?" Chan smiles from across the table, making sure his voice is loud enough for the parents to hear.

This was the first dinner at Chans house, and probably the most awkward. Maybe it was because three of the boys here were in uniforms and they weren't dressed up the way the usually were. Even though the dinner was right after school and their parents were okay with it.

Maybe it's because things get more serious between the fiancés.

"It's great hyung." Jeongin rubs his neck nervously, "w-we should come to your house more o-often."

He sighs, mentally cursing himself for stuttering. He looks back down at his food to try and hide his embarassed face. Until he feels a hand on his chin.

Chan slowly lifts his chin with his hand making the younger look him in the eyes. "Your doing great." He whispers, only for the two to hear.

Except their siblings beside them who had definitely heard and were fake gagging to eachother.

"You've got something on you lips baby." Chan says a bit louder this time. Jeongin plays along with the act, trying to swallow the lump in the back of his throat.

The olders soft finger brush against Jeongins lips, sending more shivers down his spine. Not to mention the eye contact and the fact everyone was watching, even the cooks. To Jeongin, this life was becoming overwhelming.

He wanted to let go of everything. Maybe it would be better if he just gave up and married Chan. Then he wouldn't have to deal with his parents.

But he does this for the sake of the other. It's not like Chan wants him. He's a burden to him just like he's a burden to his parents.

It's all fake anyway.

No emotions attached.

Giggles come from their parents side of the table. They had witnessed the boys cute moment and now react, just the way they hoped they would.

Jeongin sits back into his chair and looks back down at his food still, if not more, embarassed.

But he doesn't notice the sweet eyes still remaining on him.


"Oh my god she's so cute oh my god- I - woah how is she so- Wah she's so cute." Jeongins eyes brighten as Chan walks into his room with a little girl in arms. Even though they had been seeing eachother for a while, Jeongin had never actually met Chans younger sister.

So when he was waiting for Chan while looking around his bedroom, and he suddenly walked in with the young girl, Jeongin started squealing.

He had admired her from afar when she sat with her mother, but up close the girl was the cutest thing he had ever seen.

Chan chuckles at the younger excitement. He hoped this would cheer him up. Even the older had noticed he wasn't feeling well today and this was the perfect way to lift his mood.

Jeongins smile was so wide, his dimples being more evident than ever. He was pratocallly jumping up and down.

"Honey what's your name?" Jeongin gets on his knees to be on eye level with the young girl. His eyes shiny as ever.

"I-I m jiyu..." Jiyus large eyes warm the heart of Jeongin who just wants to scream and squeeze her cheeks.

But he keeps his calm.

"I love your hair Jiyu." He runs a hand past her pigtails. "I'm Jeongin oppa. It's nice to meet you honey." He puts out a hand and jiyu giggles before taking and shaking it.

All Chan does is stand back and smile. The younger was indeed a lot happier. He saw the genuine sparkle in his eyes. It was adorable the way he was so confident with kids and how well he dealt with them.

Chans face felt warm.

"Jiyu you wanna give oppa a tour? I want to see all your toys!" Jeongin smiles as the girl jumps up in down in excitement. "I have sooo many oppa!"

They run out the room giggling after eachother, leaving a smiling Chan who soon follows. "Wait up guys!"

"They would make great parents too." Jeongins mom watches the whole thing from the hallway. A small smile on her lips.

Chans mom laughs beside her, "Indeed they would."

Little did they know of the two boys walking past in the adjacent hall. One annoyingly following the other and one trying to get some rest

Jungwon stops in his tracks when he heard his mothers voice, making jay who was following him confused, almost running into the youngers back.

"Since this whole arrangement is going so well and they make sucha great match, maybe I should find a partner for Jungwon soon as well." Jungwons mom laughs could be heard where her youngest son stood.

Jungwons face turns a pale almost white color. It was like someone sucked his blood out. Jay, still confused, shakes the younger. "Y-yah scaredy cat? You don't look so good? Is turning this pale like another one of the many talent of yours-" His breath hitches when he notices the boys condition, looking past the corner and understanding what he had heard.

Acting quickly, jay pulls the younger into another room. "Woah woah woah calm down Jungwon" He takes account the boys frantic breathing, his eyes moving around the room quickly. He sits him down on the sofa, his hands still on his wrists.

"Nothing is going to happen to you Jungwon. Nothing is going to happen to your brother either okay?" Jays voice comes out in an unrecognizable soft tone. "Remember the plan Jungwon?"

The younger slowly nods, responding for the first time. Jay brushes some of his hair back from his burning face. "They won't do anything to you. I promise."

Jungwon looks up to find the olders eyes, when he does he can't look away. The annoying boy following him around somehow felt like the only boy he had. His lips pull into a small smile, "Thank you hyung."

"Yeah yeah whatever scaredy cat." Jay huffs

Hehe I love jaywon. Jungwon finally calling him hyung😫😫
Also the Chan calling Jeongin baby 🤭🤭

Why am i fangirling over my own book-



Hope you enjoyed!

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