Chapter 7 - Neowa naui DRIVVEEE

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"Huh youre out early? No detention today hyung?" Jungwon sends him a playful grin to which Jeongin rolls his eyes.

"You know you really just didn't have to say that."

But the boy was right.

Jeongin had miraculously not gotten detention today, maybe it was because he knew he had to be at dinner right after school and his and chans plan was fully into action. Maybe it was because he slept well last night and wasn't sleeping in biology.

But either way it was a miracle.

He met up with Seungmin in the halls who was equally as surprised as his younger brother. So they walked out together when the bell rang, Hyunjin being the one in detention from their trio. I guess the hell room can't stand a day without atleast one of them huh?

"Wonie! Have you gotten taller?" Seungmin peeks out from behind his friend, his eyes shining as he walks over to ruffle the youngers hair.

"Yah hyung! I have a dinner I just got it styled by the maids this morning!" Jungwon groans trying to replace the messed strands. Seungmin giggles at the boys struggle, trying to hold back to urge to poke those dimples. Though Seungmin was just a year older than Jeongin, and 4 years older than Jungwon, he treated them like little brothers. Even more so than the oldest, Hyunjin.

Maybe it's because Jungwon and Seungmin were both academic prodigies.

But whatever.

The loop infront of the school becomes flooded with cars picking up students. This school was very prestigious so many of them were literally black suvs or maybe even race cars. Rich people shit.

So the three of them sat there in the crowd of students, waiting for their ride to arrive. Jungwon makes some conversation about his calculus class. The boy was a freshman. And somehow the brothers are in the same calculus.

That is a great way to show the difference between them.


The three boys look up in the direction where the shout came from. A group of students began forming around on of the cars in the loop, more yells similar to the first could be heard.

The boys exchange looks before getting up and going to see what the commotion was all about. It's not like they got anything better to do.

They try their best to look over the crowd, but height wasn't something that came with wealth. Seungmin being the tallest managed to get a look at what exactly the group was swooning over.

"It's a guy in a car..." He squints, standing on his tippy toes while the Yang brothers wait for his observations.

But then his eyes dramatically widen.


With that familiar name, the Yang brothers exchange a wide eyed look before pushing themselves into the crowd.

With a bit of struggle and their uniforms almost being ripped off them, they finallys emerge on the other side, right infront of the car.

With heavy breathing Jeongin looks up at the man in the drivers seat, he was looking down at his phone as if he wanted nothing more than to leave the screaming teenagers outside his door.


The olders eyes light up at the voice and he quickly looks up to see his fiancé outside the car, his look slightly disheveled.

"What are you doing here?" The younger questions, the last person he expected to be at his school was him.

"Remember our dinner?" He sends a warm smile making the people around them go even crazier.

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